Monday, September 9, 2013

Womb Service: What's on the Menu

So for the last month or so, I've been thinking about how I don't want this to become a pregnancy or 'mommy blog'. But the more I think about it, and the more I have an itch to write something pregnancy related, I decided that my blog should just be whatever it's going to be. The whole point, for me, is to document where I am  and what life is like right now.... and right now that is pregnancy! I blog for the primary purpose of having it to read many years from now and to be able to share it with my children. Secondary is probably keeping friends and family in real life updated and meeting new friends via blogs. I don't write for monetary compensation (not that I mind it!) or to get a large following (wouldn't mind that either!) so... I'm going to write about whatever comes out without shame :). It just took me a month to realize that. So thanks to Colleen, I'm going to share Penny's "womb service". The actual link up is closed, but I'm writing anyway!. Enjoy it future children, because you know subsequent children get the short end of the stick, so I can't promise that I'll even be blogging by the time the next baby comes or that I'll be nearly as sentimental when I do ;). 

I wrote this mid-August, but I've updated it a little to cover the last few weeks. 

These are a few of your favorite things 08/14/2013

Right when we found out about you, mommy was craving protein like crazy. One of the first meals I had, when we went to celebrate on Tuesday, was Outback ribs and bbq chicken. DROOL. Daddy laughed at how fast I ate. I basically inhaled it. He said he definitely knew I was pregnant by watchign me eat that meal. Weeks 5-7 all I wanted was protein... eggs, nuts, beans, dairy, and MEAT. This a-few-times-a-week-meat-eater has been craving meat ALL the time! I still talk about how good that Outback meal was, though. Too bad they aren’t in our budget more often!

A few weeks after we found out about you, we realized you don’t like sweets. That’s a win-win really, but you wouldn’t believe my astonishment at 9 or so weeks when I took one bite of a brownie a la mode and had to put the fork down. And around 8 weeks when I ate a homemade donut, I felt sick for hours. Good for you, Penny! That’s probably why the baby sites say I should/could have gained 2-5 lbs and I am still rocking my pre-pregnancy weight, even with all the calorie rich foods I’m eating! (We won't mention that I shouldn't gain much more than 15 lbs due to my pre-pregnancy fluff anyway.)

For about 2 weeks, somewhere around weeks 6-8, you did NOT like me making lunch. I was ok eating it, but preparing it was not fun. Sometimes daddy would help, sometimes I’d grin and bare it, and other times I’d end up buying something because I just couldn’t stomach it. I also found out at 10 weeks when getting new tires from Sams that you do NOT like the smell of rubber. Thankfully, I haven’t thrown up once!

You love, love, love ice water. It keeps my tummy happy, too! If I start feeling a little queasy, ice water seems to do the trick. The colder the better. Daddy bought me a cup that can go in the freezer for maximum coldness. Love it!

Around 8-9 weeks, I had a Wendy’s berry almond chicken salad. I really just wanted SOMEthing healthy after a weekend of being naughty, but now I get a super strong craving for it at least once a week. No, I can’t make it myself. IT TASTES SO MUCH BETTER ALREADY MADE!

Starting at 10 weeks, you began craving bbq. Daddy ran out and bought some and it completely hit the spot. I had been consumed with thoughts of it for 2 days! Here at week 11, I still talk an awful lot about bbq. Daddy thinks you’re awesome.

You love progesterone, but mommy does not (well, mommy loves it for keeping you alive!!!). I got a giant hematoma on one hip from the shots, so now all the shots are being done in the left side.... 2 shots in the muscle per week! It is rough but I’d do anything for you. Plus, I can hold this over your head when you’re a teenager ;). (Update: now back to both sides, thankfully!)

Weeks 12-14 (current week), you looooove dairy. I'm drinking so much milk, even just plain in a glass which is very unlike me. Breakfast every day is a smoothie. You STILL crave bbq periodically but it's not the kind of craving that HAS to be cured, so I haven't had any more. But the other day, you were craving meat so badly an hour before dinner time when everything was frozen. I raided daddy's coupon stash and ended up with a 3 piece tender from Arby's. I felt bad about it, but it hit the spot so good! Then of course I wasn't hungry for dinner. You've been wanting tortilla chips too which I'm happy to supply. Trader Joe's has some awesome organic yellow corn rounds. For dinner one night this week, we had tortilla chips with cheese and homemade refried beans on top. Pretty sure you were in heaven.

Love you, baby!


  1. This is hilarious. I wish I had kept something like this. With Rebecca it was gobstoppers. With Kathryn the only thing I ate for weeks was sourdough toast. Keep it up! Penny is very blessed to have you as a mommy.

    1. Aw thank you; we'll see if s/he agrees :). Craving gobstoppers made me laugh!

  2. Eggplant and italian food are my must haves this time around. In those first few weeks, I totally just hated food in general, making dinner was the worst for me. Sounds like you are doing well with your pregnancy and that your baby is growing well.

  3. Sweedish fish, McDonalds Big Macs, Pickles, and Pineapple... Not all together but, that summed up 9 mos of eating for me :-)

    1. I have definitely craved McDonald's double cheeseburgers. I finally indulged in one last week and felt SO bad until I took the first bite... sooooo good. I don't know how pickles and pineapple didn't tear up your mouth!

  4. salt and vinegar potato chips and hostess snack products. (i really wanted a twinkie.) i also ate LOTS of subway but that was already a habit.

    1. Haha, I'm the exact same with subway! I keep wanting foot long chicken breast on flatbread, but I was already eating subway a lot beforehand.
