PCOS Information

Hey there cysters.... First of all, am I the only one who despises that term? Just had to put that out there. So let's start again. Hey there ladies! I have done a LOT of digging for great PCOS information and I am so thankful to some of the sites I've found, so I thought I would spread the love here:

  • One of the best sources of information I've found yet, is Dr. Rebecca Harwin. I was lucky enough to review her book Conquer PCOS Naturally, which is the most comprehensive resource I've found yet. I highly recommend it (and I don't even get a kickback for saying that ;)! You can 'like' her facebook page (same name as the book) first to get a feel for the information. She frequently posts really helpful research and tips. The best thing about her is that she is recommends helping your body with natural techniques rather than medications.

  • Dr. Dunn's website has great information that appeals to my crunchy side, too. It's easy to read and short, so you can skim over it quickly and come away with good information. 

  • If you are insulin resistant (most women with PCOS are) this is a great book regarding your diet. It turns out that I'm not insulin resistant, but I still follow the concepts in this book for general health and to help me make good food choices. 

  • Another resource that has some good information is Young Women's Health. It's actually made for teens, but I really love their snack and meal lists! You do have to dig around carefully, as they recommend some things I don't support (for example, spirinolactone for PCOS acne), but you can find lots of good tidbits. 


  1. Thought I'd share. . . I've had a PCOS dx since 1998. Anyway, I've finally gotten a handle on it by switching to a Paleo/Grain free way of eating. It's been amazing how quickly my body is rebounding!

  2. hello, I am new to blog reading, I liked the name of yours "Crunchy' so I was interested. but what is PCOS? I couldn't find any good Catholic group on Facebook..I'm 60 years old, was a cradle catholic, and would like to communicate with people who can talk of their experiences, and feelings, and it's okay to poke fun in a tasteful way...every thing on fb seems too serious and much younger crowds...thanks for your input

  3. hello, I am new to blog reading, I liked the name of yours "Crunchy' so I was interested. but what is PCOS? I couldn't find any good Catholic group on Facebook..I'm 60 years old, was a cradle catholic, and would like to communicate with people who can talk of their experiences, and feelings, and it's okay to poke fun in a tasteful way...every thing on fb seems too serious and much younger crowds...thanks for your input

  4. Hi Stacy! I have PCOS, too, but I've never heard the term 'cysters.' That cracks me up! (Even though PCOS is anything but funny, most of the time!) Anyway, just wanted to share that I've had such great experiences with the Creighton model of NFP and NaPro technology in managing my PCOS (I'm not married, so I just use NFP for medical, not fertility yet). If you want any info on it, feel free to get in touch with me! :) I even had surgery at Pope Paul VI institute in Omaha...very cool place. Blessings to you!

  5. Wow! What a great blog you have published. I adore it and will share to my friends.Thanks!
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