Friday, September 27, 2013

7 Quick Takes

--- 1 ---
First, a prayer request. My progesterone levels are the pits. They were doing pretty well but went down at 14 weeks and down again at 16 weeks. I'm on the max dose of injections and my doctor added oral progesterone on top of that as of last Friday. I have another draw on Tuesday and I'm praying so hard for better numbers. As many of you know, low levels of progesterone put me and this sweet baby at a risk for a whole host of things (preterm labor, stillbirth, miscarriage, placental abruption... I could go on but it's too depressing). Scary stuff, so COME ON progesterone!!! Hopefully I have happy news next Friday. I also have to say thank you to the HUGE group of people already praying for Penny and my progesterone. I could write an entire quick takes on this alone (but I'll spare you!).... I feel peace and reassurance in my most ugly of cries that I know comes from all those prayers. So, thank you!!!

--- 2 ---
Last weekend I went to DC to visit one of my closest friends, Jillian. We had a great time although my feet were NOT happy with me about the walking, especially since half the time I was in non-supportive sandals. It was great to catch up on some girl time! (Yes, that's decaf ;). )

--- 3 ---
Sunday, before heading home, I went to the noon Mass at the National Basilica. So, I should mention first that I cry about once every 24 hours while pregnant (compared to once a month or less when not). I figured I'd probably cry during Mass there, but I cried just as I walked through the doors. It was just so overwhelmingly beautiful! I could have spent ALL day exploring the side chapels, crypts, gift shop, and even walking the grounds but I was so ready to get home to Steven. I did manage to snap a few pictures!


 Sparkle ceiling! I want one for the house!

Our Lady of Guadalupe is one of my faves. I loved her side chapel! 

--- 4 ---
I'm going yard saling Saturday and SO excited about it. I always want to do it but then Saturday comes and my jammies are soooo comfy. But this Saturday I'm really doing it! I found a multi family yard sale which will be good so I can hit up a bunch at once. My only goal is children's books. Anything else is a bonus. Tips?

--- 5 ---
I'm so ready for October and November. We have a lot of fun stuff planned (plus holidays!). Then December is busy with Advent and Christmas (and my shower!!!), and next thing you know it will be time to tie up loose ends for the baby to come. I don't mean to wish my pregnancy away, especially because I always imagined myself to be one of those people who looooves being pregnant, but I feel like this babe will be safer on the outside so I just want it to be March! But back to Oct/Nov. On the line-up is an Ikea day for baby stuff, Steven's birthday and vacation week, 20 week ultrasound, the fair.... November is a weekend beach marriage retreat and shopping weekend with my mom and sister in law. So much fun wrapped up into 2 little months!!!

--- 6 ---
I'd really love to sit and think of a take to put here, but Breaking Bad is calling me in a serious way. Steven is off to his weekly men's group and I am ready to veg! 

 --- 7 ---
Friday question: Ok readers! Is there anything you'd like to see me post about? It can be related to topics I've posted before or completely out of left field. Of course, I have the right to pick and choose based on my comfort level ;). I've seen other bloggers do this, and I like it for times like now when I feel like I'm in a blogging funk. I did it a year or so ago and got some great suggestions, but now I need more! 

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. Blogging idea. . . How do you guys break up household chores? I find it fascinating to read how other people manage their homes, and I always learn something that can help me. Prayers for you and Penny.

    1. I *might* have done that before but it has definitely changed so I'll have to do that!

  2. I thought after 13 weeks Progesterone didn't play a big roll because the placenta took over?

    If I'd have known you were at the Shrine, I'd have had my husband wave to you yesterday. He teaches theology at CUA and was there all day yesterday. The Shrine is beautiful isn't it? So lovely to visit. Did you get to see Mary's Garden? My kids love running around her garden.

    1. Ideally, that would have happened. My placenta apparently didn't get the memo.

      Why did I not realize your husband works there/ you live nearby!? I was there last Sunday, though.

  3. Prayers for you and Penny!
    As for book suggestions here are some of my favorites:
    - The Little Blue Truck
    - anything by Caroline Jayne Church (well, we only have 2 of her books, but I love them both)
    - Brown Bear, Brown Bear or Polar Bear, Polar Bear
    - "Where's Spot?"
    - "Daddies" - it's a Little Golden Book and SOO cute. My son loves it.

    Those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head - I'm sure there are more. Hopefully you're able to find some good stuff at the sale!

    1. Oooh, I haven't heard of Caroline Jayne Church! I will have to check her out!

  4. Prayers for your progesterone levels and for Penny! I know that is scary!! DC sounds like so much fun - I LOVE the Basilica there!

  5. Many prayers for you and little Penny!!! I just love the basilica there; most years we go to the March for Life we stop by for a visit, so beautiful!
