Sunday, January 15, 2017

Clare Sophia: 10 Months

Double digit months!!!! For once, I wasn't going to be sentimental about something, but then Steven said "she'll never be single digit months again!!!" and I got all verklempt.

Weight: 21.5ish lbs

Height: Yard stick broke so not sure lol.

Medical issues: So last month I shared (again) that Clare has been kind of difficult and cries a lot, particularly with me. Well, guess what? The issue has been solved and it had nothing to do with her. It was all me! My thyroid was completely out of whack and was manifesting itself in PPD-like symptoms. Clare was feeding off of that, and in turn I thought she was super fussy, especially with me, and did not want to be around her much. I am SO SO SO glad I finally figured it out and am being treated because she and I have both been a night and day difference, and trying not to focus on the 2+ months I basically lost with her because I was a mess :(. Anyway, medically this past month she's been great. A tiny bit rashy here or there but nothing too bad. I've even been able to give her a tiny bit of dairy on occasion without a rash flareup! 

Sleep: Basically the same as always but mornings are soooooo hard because she's waking up in the 5am hour having to poop. I can't change the time she poops! So we are both up very early and are very tired. She's having 3 naps often because she can't make it to her first nap time getting up that early. So I'm crossing my fingers and hoping Clare's poops will at some point wait until at least 6!!!! 

Clothes/diaper size: 12 months for the most part, although I've pulled out a couple seasonably appropriate 12-18m things that she has worn and they aren't super big! She's in a size 4 diaper and I imagine will be for a while. 

Likes: to hang things out of her mouth and give her mother a heart attack, like a toy drum stick while crawling; pacifiers to play with; pouches for breakfast; pulling hair

Dislikes: playing alone on the floor for more than 20 min or so without me down there to keep her company (she doesn't want/need me to play with her but just wants me close by), 

Nicknames: Clare Bear, Rocky (dubbed Rocky by her Paw Patrol obsessed sister)

Milestones: At the very end of December, Clare started climbing stairs. Of course she gave me yet another heart attack by climbing our brick porch steps, but now that I know to watch for her heading that way, I can spot her and she does a great job! She later climbed almost all the way up our friends' stairs at their house. On Jan 4th, Clare stood for a couple seconds unassisted. She has done it more and more since then, probably peaking at 5-10 seconds at a time. On the 12th, she began standing up from the sitting position on her own, without using us or furniture to pull up. 

I don't want to forget this: She is still my funny and silly girl. Clare is constantly putting random things to her head like a phone. When she stands, she will often put both hands up beside her ears like "look ma! no hands!" and is so proud of herself. She has this one tooth that she'll smile with her bottom jaw jutted out so all you see is this little tooth sticking out, and it gets me every time! Clare just makes such funny faces all the time.