Friday, August 30, 2013

7 Quick Takes

--- 1 ---
Happy 3 day weekend for those of you who get to partake in it! I already have about 48 hours of relaxation scheduled (Saturday and Monday). I am definitely going to finish my Alaska scrapbook, but other than that I am envisioning a lot of Netflix time. My life is going to get super busy in about a month and, I'm guessing, won't slow down for another 18 years or so after that, so I am thoroughly enjoying all the sit-on-my-butt time I can get these days!!!! Fall is always super busy in a good way, and then there's the holidays, and then there's all the preparation we need to do. So yes, 48 hours of relaxation- here I come! 

--- 2 ---
I got these yesterday and I am so, so in love. I buy this style of New Balance (442) every single time I buy new shoes. I think I'm on my 3rd pair and I wear them for 3-4 years at a time. Yes, I love them! So to find them in darker gray (won't show dirt as easily! score!) and with purple polka dots.... BEST EVER.... I am such a happy girl. $10 with our mad skillz! Now let's see how many wears I get before my feet spread! 

--- 3 ---

Pregnancy TMI/girly take (you have been warned): I'm doing my best to bury this in the middle, but I have to share. I've been a little panicky about maternity underwear since I found out I was pregnant. I was envisioning those underwear that are about 8 feet tall by 12 feet wide. Imagine my surprise when I found cute pregnancy underwear at Motherhood Maternity (which by the way, is soooo hard for me to find pants at! I am apparently in between sizes. Story of my life!). Anyway, I was in need of some underwear and figured it was dumb to NOT buy some maternity kind instead of my normal kind since who knows how my shape will be post baby, but they have these foldover briefs that are comfortable and cute! You fold over the top when you're smaller and they look totally normal (not old lady brief-ish), but then you unfold it when you're bigger/care less about your underwear being normal looking. Win win! 
--- 4 ---

In other maternity fashion news, my favorite brand of maternity pants (that I have yet to wear out of the house because I look SO MUCH MORE PREGNANT in maternity clothes) is Three Seasons at Belk. Scroll down to the khaki bedfor cord pants, which are not actually cords. LOVE THEM! They look like totally normal pants with a low rise NORMAL waist line, but from the inside of that waist line comes a stretchy panel. So when you bend over, people see normal pants (I kept having the issue when trying stuff on that the stretchy panel was too low in the back and said cute underwear would show right through), even though you have the supportive stretchy fabric on your belly. Right now I'm wearing out my drawstring pants in an attempt to be at least 16 weeks before I'm in the maternity clothes. Luckily due to awesome friends I only needed a few pairs of work pants and I will eventually need a couple shirts, but that's it! 

--- 5 ---
This week I attempted these frosting shots. They are VERY dark chocolately tasting, for those of you who like that. Almost too rich for me, but very tasty and I love that it's 'real food' with no sugar! I attempted for one second to make mine pretty but it did NOT happen. Steven doesn't like them, but I think it's a fun treat without worrying about sugar. 

--- 6 ---
Steven is off for the THIRD Sunday in a row this weekend. I kind of don't know what to do with myself!!! The first Sunday we had a relaxy day; we just went to church and came home. Last Sunday we had a Sunday Funday (church, out to eat, shopping), but the jury is still out for this Sunday. I kind of want to do something else fun but that means spending $. I feel like we should tackle a household project but... that's not fun. So hopefully we make a decision by Sunday morning ;). 

 --- 7 ---
Friday question! Ladies, how often to you get your engagement ring inspected? Or do you? The store Steven bought mine from offers free inspections and repairs, but it's not super convenient (though not super inconvenient either) so I rarely think about it. But then I hear about someone who lost the diamond in their 10 year old ring and freak out that I should be doing it at least yearly! 

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. Oh my goodness, I forgot about the three day weekend! SO excited to have David home an extra day!

    Oh so THAT'S where your coconut milk went (and why you didn't have any for your soup).

    I've never had my engagement ring inspected, but it's a family ring that David had a stone placed in by a small, family jeweler in IN. I know some places offer to replace stones if they get lost ONLY if you have your ring inspected every 6 months? Do you have a deal like that?

    1. Haha well I opened my can of coconut milk and it was coconut cream, so I used regular milk for the soup and the cream for the frosting lol. Had to improvise ;).

      I definitely need to look into the ring thing because I have no clue (and of course Steven doesn't remember).

  2. I get mine inspected every six months. I have to for the warranty to remain valid. Thankfully they are local. They occasionally check my wedding band, and found a loose stone. I was glad we caught it before it was lost. I just like how pretty and shiny it is after they clean it. It is my fun little treat to myself that costs no money. Plus, the girls love watching them steam it.

    1. I love how shiny it is too! Especially when they polish the band. I used to clean mine every few days and I probably haven't cleaned it in almost a year now!

  3. I can't believe I'm saying this online, to be read and out there for all eternity...I outgrew most of my undies around the end of my first trimester, but since it was summer and I wore dresses most days, I just bought a few new pairs and ditched them the rest of the time =) Now that the weather's cooling down, though, I imagine I'll have to stock up for real what with wearing pants and tights more often--thanks for the recommendation!!

    1. Bahahaha, hey less laundry to do- I don't judge! ;) After wearing them for an entire day, I'd recommend maybe buying a size smaller than you would normally get (they run S-XXL) because they stretch a tiny bit during the day. Although I'm only 13 weeks so I may want them to be like that in another month or two! They are soooo comfy, though, and cute prints to boot.

  4. #3: I actually didn't buy maternity underwear -- I just bought my regular underwear a size larger.

    #7: My engagement ring is a silver Celtic knotwork ring so I need to polish it instead. :)

    1. I thought about that, but the top of my regular underwear are a bit stiff which I like for normalness, but for pregnancy I think I'll like the super softness of the maternity kinds. And also, I will probably totally be one of those people who wears maternity underwear/clothes wayyyyyyyyyy after the baby is born lol. And sweet deal on your ring!

  5. Since I can't comment about maternity underwear...I do know that if your ring is insured to cover missing diamonds etc. most warranty plans require you to get it inspected every 6 months to cover things that might need to be replaced/fixed! I def do it every 6 months since mine has all those small diamonds on the band!

    1. And it def didn't out right say it in the insurance plan that they would only replace/fix issues if it was inspected within 6 months---the guy at Jared told us the loop hole! So I would check!!

    2. They have repaired it before for me after not coming in for more than 6 mo but I think the catch will be if the diamond falls out, they won't replace it since I've gone at least twice so far without going for more than six mo (and this time probably a year). But I guess I will just get it inspected more often so I keep up with repairs and the diamond falling out hopefully won't be a problem. Thanks for the info, twomom! And when a little Domis is on the way, I will totally buy you foldover undies :).

  6. Same as Jen, I just bought a little bigger undies. My underwear weren't as big a problem as my pants. Luckily, by the third trimester, it was summer so I was in muu-muus all the time. Old Navy had maternity jeans that fit me, though.

    I've gotten mine inspected once in 5 years. It's a six-prong and one prong was crooked. They fixed it and said not to worry too much because six prongs is pretty sturdy setting, and you need to lose two prongs to risk losing the diamond. Other than that, I sometimes get it cleaned if we're in the mall.

    1. I think I'm covered with pants, at least for the 2nd trimester. I have some full panel and some short panel so we'll see what happens! I'm just barely in to them right now (wear them at home but not at work) but I'm suspecting I'll be in them full time in a few weeks!

      Love that your diamond has 6 prongs... that seems so secure! Mine just has the standard 4.

  7. I wear the hipster panties and when I was pg I just kept wearing them, just a little lower. At the end they were all stretched out but I just bought new ones. I guess it depends on what kind you wear, how fussy you are etc. Underwear isn't a biggie with me. Styles in maternity wear are so different now; we didn't emphasize our bump.

    1. I don't buy hipsters because they give me a panty line in anything besides jeans. I mostly just do bikinis or bikini briefs (a bit fuller without being an ACTUAL brief, which is what the foldovers are). Good to know the regular ones got stretched, so I can preserve them for post partum, if I can ever stand to get back out of these comfy maternity ones lol!

      My mom was talking about the difference between clothing styles and how when she was pregnant the style was more 'tent like' stuff. I have no clue what my shirt style will be yet!

  8. Never had my ring cleaned and it's been 2 years! Maybe I should get on that....

  9. I've had mine cleaned once or twice because the store will do it for free - but never thought to have it fully inspected.

  10. I've had mine cleaned once or twice because the store will do it for free - but never thought to have it fully inspected.
