Monday, August 5, 2013

Dear Baby: Letters to our Future Child #6

This is the 6th letter in a series of letters I have been writing to our future child as we go through the process of dealing with subfertility/infertility that began in January. If you want to read the others, simply click the "Dear Baby Series" tag at the bottom of this post. 

A side note: As you'll see below, we already have 'grandparent' names picked for my parents. I actually started using them shortly after I got my cat, and was nannying a child at the time who used the term "gammy" and "gamgam". I thought it was hilarious, so Buttercup "called" them gammy and gampy. Guess what? It stuck lol. We have been using those terms ever since and they are well aware that the future Cash children will be calling them that, too! 

Dear Baby, 5/23/2013

I have been SO hopeful and so peaceful this month. I’m not exactly sure why, but I have certainly been praying for those two things. Daddy and I also did a new novena this cycle, a particularly touching one to John Paul II. I wonder if that has anything to do with it? I started giving myself HCG shots this cycle and had to learn 1 at the office, then do the other 3 at home. It was less of a big deal than I thought it would be! I was kind of proud of myself, knowing I could do it. I really hope it helps me to ovulate on my own. I know I can’t be on Clomid forever. But back to feeling good :). Daddy and I are going on a cruise to Alaska in a little over a week. Gammy and Gampy are celebrating their 35th anniversary so we are all going to celebrate! I am looking so, so forward to it. Daddy and I have said since it was booked (before our wedding!) that it would be our last big hurrah before a baby. I really hope so because that means you’ll be on your way to us in the not too distant future! Every time I hear a pregnancy announcement I think of you and wonder when I’ll meet you. I am going to be one happy mama when the day comes :).


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