Friday, March 8, 2013

7 Quick Takes

--- 1 ---

Our double date/overnight trip to Columbia with my parents last weekend was a BLAST. I cannot, however, recommend Comfort Suites after that trip. The first room we went into had a couch and one bed (we reserved a couch and two beds). Uh, yeah, wasn't going to work for 4 people. The second room we got put in smelled horribly of smoke (in a completely non-smoking hotel) and the sheets on BOTH beds were messed up... *gross*. The 3rd room was supposed to have one bed and a pull out couch, which we could make work. We got up there and there was a couch, but it was not a pull out. Finally the 4th room had 2 beds AND the couch area my parents had paid for. It was one of those things that is maddening and hilarious all at the same time. And a few hours later, we realized we had left the bag of snacks in one of the other rooms lol!

--- 2 ---
On Saturday, we met at the SC State Museum. We had a brief guided tour, and then spent about 2 hours exploring on our own. I forced pictures in front of random things because we were getting to the end and I had forgotten to take any pictures! 

 John Deere: Welcome to the South

--- 3 ---
Saturday night we played board games in the hotel. Steven and I bought Headbandz last month and it is a lot of fun! You have to ask yes or no questions to guess the card on your forehead, sort of like 20 questions. We love games that you can play with just two players, since it is mostly just us, and this one is fun with just 2 but a blast with more!

 So scandalous, she is!

--- 4 ---
Sunday we went to Mass, lunch, and then the zoo before heading our separate ways. I was a silly 18 year old because I attended this church a few times since it was minutes from campus, did not appreciate it, and found a different parish. But now going back almost 10 years later (gulp), I was so in awe! It was beautiful and reverent.

Steven with the napping grizzly that blends into the rock.

 Feeding time at the zoo!

--- 5 ---

I made an amazing coconut red lentil soup this week (if I do say so myself). I was getting ready to post the recipe and then wondered if recipe posts make you want to jab your eye out? I tend to enjoy recipe posts on foodie blogs, but not as much on other type blogs. So how do you feel about the occasional recipe post? You won't hurt my feelings.
--- 6 ---

If you're frugal minded, I could use some help. Check out my post from earlier this week!

--- 7 ---

This weekend we have our annual gala for work. I am working at it (monitoring silent auction items for the win!) so I asked Steven to close at work so we could be together during the day. We're going up to the performing arts center at the front of our neighborhood to see Charlotte's Web that morning, followed by lunch out. I'm also on call and realllllly hope it stays quiet since my day will be so busy. I was supposed to be on call the last week of March, but that would have meant being on call all day Good Friday since it is a day off. So when a coworker asked me to switch, I didn't hesitate! Anyway, those are the weekend plans! 
For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. That picture of your mom is hilarious! I'm so glad you had such a fun weekend with your parents. That is so awesome that you fed a giraffe! I have always wanted to do that!!

    And please post that lentil soup recipe! I hope you have a great weekend!:)

  2. I would love recipe posts :) I am always up for trying something new. I tried to do that once and failed miserably. Your vacation sounds like a lot of fun!

  3. Yes, post the recipe. ANd that game looks awesome! My son's speech therapist plays that game with him. So glad you got to get away, but I would send an email to the hotel complaining and asking for some sort of refund.

  4. Oh my goodness, that soup sounds amazing! I definitely vote yes on recipe posts! So glad you had such a good trip, Stacy =)

  5. I LOVED that museum when I was a kid. And that game sounds hilarious. And I say YES to sharing any food that you enjoy.

  6. That game sounds hilarious...feeding giraffes too? how fun, always wanted to try that!

  7. That game looks like so much fun! W're always in the same boat (there's just two of us for games) and we had to quit playing monopoly as we'd both too competitive. I'll be checking it out now! :)

  8. I felt cheated that you raved about the soup and then there wasn't a recipe. Also felt a little cheated by #6.

  9. I'd love to see that recipe too! And the game looks great. I'll have to check that out.

    Thanks for joining in!

  10. we do a lot of family games as well: dixit; sequence; wits & wagers are among favorites; OHHH TO Court the king! I am undefeated
