Friday, March 1, 2013

7 Quick Takes

--- 1 ---
You know what makes moving day at work really long? When the movers decide to bring up all the boxes and miscellaneous stuff before bringing up the big furniture. Luckily, I was allowed to leave at 3pm, so I still have some hair left on my head. At one point, I was in the new office by myself with 7 movers for 2 hours, none of whom could read the incredibly detailed, yet easy to read blue print my boss had made about where everything went. I was a human door stop as well as telling EVERY one of the 7 movers where EVERY one of the million boxes went. And trying to answer questions from the two IT guys. Don't worry; I drowned my stress with pizza that a board member brought, chocolate that a coworker brought, and brownies that a neighboring office brought to welcome us. Today we are unpacking, so I am thinking the day should be fairly calm. But probably our server, phones, and internet will still be down, our desks won't have fit properly, and I'll be having the shakes since I can see the Dollar Tree from my office window.

--- 2 ---
This number may be slightly inaccurate after consuming the above listed snacks, but so far I have lost 14 lbs with Weight Watchers since starting it on 1/3. Slow but steady wins the race! I am very happy with the progress I've seen, even though I have so far to go. I am still 60 lbs bigger than my lowest weight. Gulp! I am just aiming for 5% goals though, or else I will get stressed and eat ALL THE CADBURY EGGS.

--- 3 ---
I'm writing these all on Thursday night, instead of my usual throughout-the-week writing. It's a lot harder for me to come up with them all at once, but this week was just so busy that I didn't think about it. Anyway, here's a gem from the husband just now:
Me: I'm going to miss you while you're gone tonight. I'm bored and don't have anything to do.
Husband: You could clean.
Me: *crickets*
--- 4 ---
We were sitting out on the front porch last Sunday and I happened to see this:
My hyacinths are blooming! Thanks to my mom and Jen for IDing them, since I had forgotten what they were. I bought them on clearance at Lowe's for like $2 and planted them almost 2 weeks past the last recommended date, and every last one of them came up! They are pink, purple, and white. I planted them in between the bushes up against the porch, but I will definitely plant some in the little gardens underneath our front yard trees next year.
--- 5 ---
Birds have taken up residence in my chimney. They lived there last summer and fall, too. I don't want them there, but I also don't like the idea of smoking them out. I think we'll have to deal with another year of squawking. Last year, it was a crow. Couldn't it at least be a cute bird?

--- 6 ---
I don't get why my coworkers think I'm possessive. They are just jelly of my wireless mouse and keyboard that I refuse to give up.

--- 7 ---
We are in for a super fun weekend! We are going on a double date, overnight trip with my parents to my old digs- Columbia, SC. I lived there for 6 years of college and grad school before moving to Raleigh. It's 3.5 hours from me now, and 1.5 hours from my parents. We are meeting at lunch time tomorrow with plans to go to a tour at the state museum, play board games in our hotel suite, eat out at some places I miss lots, and go to the zoo! Do you have fun weekend plans? 

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary! 


  1. Funny about the cleaning. That's what I say to my kids when they complain they are bored....your hubby is ready to be a father ;)

    And congrats on 14 pounds. Slow and steady is the way to go!

  2. You had me cracking up for this entire post. I love my sissy so much.

  3. When I was a kid growing up in Orangeburg, we used to take regular trips to Columbia. Such fun, fun memories! Touring the state capital is always fun, too!

  4. Enjoy your weekend! That sounds like so much!

    And great work on your weight loss! You are doing great!

  5. Your weekend does sound like so much fun, albeit a little you do the same thing as me, where when you return somewhere you used to live for just a short visit, you feel like you have to cram in every single thing?! Have a good one, Stacy!

  6. Awesome on the weight loss! I've been doing Weight Watchers for awhile...and kept off a significant amount of weight. When I stick to the plan it works...keep pluggin away:)

  7. Hi Stacy! I nominated you for a Liebster Award...check out the details here:

  8. Congrats on the 14 pounds! That's so awesome! I hope you're having a great weekend in SC and enjoying all the time with your parents! :)

  9. Congrats on the weight loss! I need to return to WW. :0 And I couldn't stop laughing at #3. "crickets". hahaha :-)
