Friday, March 15, 2013

7 Quick Takes- New Pope Edition

--- 1 ---

First things first: Who's glad he didn't choose the name Peter!?!? Hahaha, I'm just kidding. I crack myself up sometimes. 

--- 2 ---

Unlike Pope Benedict who I had to fall in love with slowly over time, Pope Francis (too early to call him Papa F? Sounds like a rapper!) stole my heart within minutes. His one liner and amazingly beautiful prayer did me in! I think the Church is in very good hands. 

--- 3 ---

I asked my dad to take me back to Rome again, but I don't think he's having it. I hope this pope is there at least a decade, because that's how long it will take us to pinch pennies! Or who knows, maybe he will come somwhere close by! JPII went to my home state a few years before I was born, so a girl can dream. 

--- 4 ---

You know what's lame? Being a guardian for almost 4 years and then being required to go to a 2 day training on how to be a guardian. If they hadn't dumped Reese's Cups and Snickers on the table yesterday, I might have gone crazy. I am there again today and will offer up my suffering for you ;).

--- 5 ---

Let's go back to Poperydom. Did you get your plenary indulgence? If not, I'm pretty sure you can watch the papal blessing from Wednesday and still get it. You have to make a confession and receive the Eucharist within 7 days, and you can offer the indulgence up for a deceased family member/loved one or use it yourself. I am admittedly pretty new to indulgences (always knew the word, but didn't know much about them) so I was VERY excited that we already were scheduled to go to confession on Wednesday! Which by the way, I almost cried when the priests (8 of them) had us sing Long Live the Pope, and had Habemus Papam signs on the doors. It was a total goosebump session!

--- 6 ---

Weekend plans: My husband is mowing today for the first time this season while I'm at my training. I'm thinking while he is at work tomorrow, I might get my hands dirty in the yard. We are going to re-mulch and plant flowers after Easter, but I want to at least do a little weeding. It's funny. I hated weeding when I was little, but there is a definite charm in weeding a garden of my very own! What are your yard work plans this spring? I'm trying to get some ideas. 

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For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. I love those last pictures! His humility shines through and I love him already! I think the last time a Pope was elected, we were all so sad for JP2's death that we couldn't rejoice. This time, we are all so excited!

    1. I didn't even think of that, but it totally makes sense.

  2. I also fell in love with him so quickly! He is going to be such a great leader for our church! And I just love that picture you posted. :)

    Sorry you have to go to that training this weekend!!

    1. Thankfully, the training was Thurs and today so it is over! Woohoo!

  3. I seriously love how humble he was when he stepped out. He's so awesome.

  4. Aah I just love him and his humility and gentleness! I had no idea there was a plenary indulgence that came with a new Pope; thanks for sharing! Enjoy your weeding and your weekend =)

    1. I wouldn't have known without Cathsorority! The translator said it, but I missed it.

  5. I think (though I'm not positive) that the indulgence is only if you are there, or watching or listening LIVE, and not if it is recorded. I'm having trouble finding a source, but I recall hearing this on EWTN radio.

    1. A priest said otherwise, but I guess either source could be wrong. Probably best to do your own research. I have a feeling that, if you could not watch it live (as in my husband's case), God is friendly enough to still give out the indulgence if you watch it a little later ;).

  6. I need to get to confession! I passed on the papal indulgence during World Youth Day because I am an idiot!

    1. I went to WYD in Toronto and had NO clue what indulgences were... so I probably missed it. Same thing in 2007 in B16's audience in Rome lol. I'm glad I know about it now, but kicking myself for missing two!

  7. I can't find my plenary indulgence! What is the website?

    1. I just googled " Pope Francis blessing" and found one for Steven to watch. Pray with him, then do the confession and Eucharist piece within 7 days.

  8. You can apply an indulgence to a deceased person?

    1. Per someone in Cathsorority who is much more knowledgable than me, yes. Apparently that person is able to go straight to heaven if you use the indulgence on them. But you can't use it on a live person besides yourself.

  9. Enjoy your weeding. And I love that picture of him, he is so awkward cute.

    1. I know! I am awkward, so I think that's part of why I love him ;).

  10. I'm already wondering if it is too personal to call him "Pope Frank" or "Papa Franky"? ;-)

    I'm so excited about the new Pope...wasn't that blessing amazing! My hubs just checked it out last night.

    1. LOL!!!! No, I think nicknames are great! I don't think he'd mind ;).

  11. My favorite meme too! I love Papa F (hahahah). :)

    Sorry about the double training, but oh man, reece's. My kryptonite.
