Friday, April 12, 2013

7 Quick Takes- Anniversary Edition

In honor of our first anniversary on Sunday, I thought I'd write semi-nauseating marriage themed quick takes. Actually, let me be honest. I first thought of this because we were out of town Monday and Tuesday (note to self: write about trip to NY!), Wednesday was a crazy catch up day at work, and then I'm out of town again Thursday and Friday for work training.... so I needed a light, easy theme! I just posted the last part of our Wedding ABC's last night and have a post going up on our actual anniversary, in case you can't get enough of it ;). Then I'll try to be normal after that.

7 of my favorite things about my first year of marriage!

--- 1 ---
Our wedding and honeymoon. Yes, that is a given BUT... I still think about it all the time! The day and following week were just so amazing! I look back at the pictures often because I don't want the memory to fade. I am never really sad that the wedding planning is over (actually, it's quite the relief), but I do miss the actual day because it was so, so wonderful. It was really beyond what I even expected!

--- 2 ---
Coming back from our honeymoon and finding OUR house! I think it was God saying to me "Hey now! One thing at a time. Just enjoy life" because we searched and searched before the wedding with no luck. We came back, looked at this house, and we were sold! It was fun finding it as brand new husband and wife.
(note: we put down new mulch and got rid of the awful black thing around the tree, so quit judgin' ;)

--- 3 ---
Ok this is less fun, but I love how much I've learned about myself this past year. Marriage can point out some not so purdy things but I'm thankful because I can't work on it if I don't know. It's also teaching me humility and service. All great lessons!

--- 4 ---
The feeling of family with someone not blood related. Before we were married, I wanted SO badly to think of us as family, because I loved Steven so much. But the feeling after the wedding was completely different. He really IS my family thanks to the sacrament of marriage, and I love our little family unit so much!
at our rehearsal dinner

--- 5 ---
Along with that, the increased feeling of teamwork. It's weird, but our arguing totally changed after marriage. It was like a night and day difference. We argued before and we argued now, but our arguments are shorter, more productive, and we both feel like we are on the same team trying to come to a solution. I don't know if #4 is what changed this, but I love it. 
--- 6 ---
Making big decisions together that will affect our future family. Yes, it can be completely stressful, but we've sat down and made some big decisions in the last year that will affect our future children, and it is really comforting to work together to find what we feel is best for us as a family. Before marriage we of course considered each other in our decisions, but certain things (like finances) were just fundamentally separate. As a subtake, I *love* sharing bank accounts. We decided not to keep any personal ones and to consolidate into one. I know different things work for different people, but we have both really enjoyed this arrangement!
Rando picture

--- 7 ---
I love saying "my husband". It is a year later and it still has not worn off! There is just something really fun about calling him that. I equally love when he refers to me as his wife, or when someone else refers to me as his wife. It is a title I gladly wear! 

Tell me your most favorite thing about marriage! I know, SO hard to pick just one!
For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. Awww Happy Anniversary! You two are so sweet! I hope you enjoy your special day this weekend! :)

  2. Happy anniversary! I can't believe it's already been a year!

    1. I KNOW! And yours is LESS than a month away!!!!

  3. I sometimes feel like I'm still getting used to saying "my husband." I love it! Happy Anniversary, and I am off to go read your wedding posts now (consider me far from nauseated)!!

    1. Haha, I'm glad you appreciate the oversharing of weddingness ;).

  4. Happy Anniversary! I so relate to #4!

    1. I was afraid I wasn't explaining it well, but I'm glad you know what I'm talking about!

  5. Happy Anniversary! I love your house!

  6. Happy anniversary! What a great house--and what fun to make it all your own. I love what you said about how the sacrament of marriage changed your relationship and made you family. I feel the same way.

    1. Yep, it was stressful making it all our own, but fun too and the hard work was worth it for sure. Glad you get what I meant by the family part!

  7. Happy anniversary! Your house looks adorable! Hope you both have a lovely weekend celebrating...
