Friday, January 11, 2013

7 Quick Takes

--- 1 ---
Remember when I said I joined pinterest? I'm officially addicted. Crap. The good news is that I made a "pinned it, did it" board which guilted me into actually doing things (and then I give a one sentence review). That has been a lot of fun!

--- 2 ---
This week, I planted peas in a container in the backyard. Per this awesome website (found on Pinterest) I should see them sprout sometime next week. I bought pea and carrot seeds, and the place I ordered from sent me a free packet of red leaf lettuce! The last two don't get planted for a few months, though.

--- 3 ---
So I won the rug from Grace's blog, which was enough of a surprise, but they gave me a GIANT RUG! I was supposed to win a 5x8, but the one I really liked came in a 5x7 so that's the one I requested. Except they sent me an 8x10! It's supposed to go in our future baby room, which is a quaint and cozy 9x10.5, so it will be less like a rug and more like a carpet. Unless I decide to confiscate it for the living room... so tempting. I mean, we can always find a cheap yet cute rug somewhere when the time comes, right?

--- 4 ---
My coworker quit and I'm the only other person who knows how to do his job (since we have the same job) so it's been a rough week. My caseload has doubled and will stay that way until we can hire someone. We interviewed someone today and have a few more lined up, so I'm hoping we make a decision by the end of next week. Of course, it would probably still be two weeks after we offer the job until the person could start. I might need therapy by the end of the month.

--- 5 ---
I had a doctor appointment this week that was pretty disheartening. I don't think I want to get into the details, at least for a while, but basically we are praying hard about what steps to take and would certainly appreciate any prayers you can offer up.

--- 6 ---
Ooooh, I almost forgot to mention that I lost 5.4 lbs on my first week of weight watchers! I know not to expect that every week (believe me, I lived through a year of .5 lb losses and learned to recognize those as big successes!), but it certainly was a morale boost for this first week. I did lose a point though, but it was worth it.
--- 7 ---
Monday is my dad's birthday and he is turning the big six zero! So, I am headed down to SC after work today to surprise him :). Saturday he, my mom, and I will go bowling and to Red Lobster. Then I'll go to church with him Sunday and head back. He has no clue! 

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. Know that prayers are on your way! I am not very addicted to Pinterest, but watch I will soon. :)

    1. Yeah, I resisted it for over a year. Once I gave in, I now will never look back lol.

      Thank you for the prayers!

  2. Pinterest is soooo addicting! Have fun with your family this weekend! :)

    You will be in my prayers.

  3. Do you like weight watchers? Is it expensive? So many gals are giving it a try, but I always thought it was something that wasn't for me.

    1. I did it in my early 20's and lost about 65 lbs. Then I got complacent and put on like... 75ish over the years. I do love it though because I know it works if I stick with it and it isn't a gimmicky diet. I love that I can eat real/whole foods on it. That was really important to me! I chose online this time around because it's cheaper than doing the meetings (though the meetings do help with accountability). I signed up for just under $60 for 3 mo. Not sure how much the next 3 mo will be but I'll let you know!

  4. Woo hoo, go you with the big weight loss week! I love WW too, and may joining again in 2013 because my health insurance pays for $150 of membership, which is like 4 months.

    I'm so glad you won the rug! I always enter stuff but then never know who wins, that is a huge prize!

    Prayers for your doctor's news...with God anything is possible, right?

  5. I love the rug you picked! And ohh, the Pinterest addiction...I've actually found that my initial obsession leveled off after a few months, so maybe it'll happen for you once you get past the infatuation phase =) Have so much fun with your family!!

  6. I love the rug, too! And Pinterest is so awesome. I always feel so accomplished when I do something I pinned. I especially like it for dinner ideas.
    Prayers for the doctor visit situation :)

  7. Prayers about your dr. appt. and I need to try WW. I hear so many good things about it. I am going to look into it in May :) Also, I was wondering who won that awesome rug giveaway. I'm not going to say I'm not jels, but congrats!

  8. Um, I'm going to come to your house and steal that rug. Wait, it'd be cheaper for me to just buy one at HD vs driving down to your house. Carry on.

    I think this is the first time I've commented on your blog. CRAZY.

    Re: the coworker--thanks for updating, I was wondering how that all went, especially when it seemed like he wasn't going to talk to your boss. I hope someone is hired soon AND they are practically perfect in every way making the transition flawless. (OK, maybe that was a reach...)

  9. I refuse to join Pinterest, because I know I would be immediately addicted.

    And way to go on the weightloss!

  10. Thanks for letting us know who won the rug. Great idea on making a done board on Pinterest. I started my blog so I had a place to keep track of my finished pins.
    When I first joined I couldn't believe how maney pins went no where. I decided quickly not to repine anything without first checking the pin. I will say a prayer for your health.
