Friday, January 4, 2013

7 Quick Takes

But today, hosted by Moxie Wife.... see take 7

--- 1 ---
Let's here it for a short week. WOOT!!! After having so much time off for Christmas, coming back to a 3 day week is a total necessity to break myself in. Usually the first day back is insanely crazy, but Wednesday actually wasn't too bad! For the first time in 3.5 years, I took everything off the surface of my desk (about 7 feet of desk) and my round table, organized and put it away, and CLEANED it. I think I heard the collection of germs gasping.

--- 2 ---
If you have been reading me for any amount of time, you'll know that my husband and I are totally cheesy when it comes to everything dates. We celebrate every single -versary that exists. Well, today is our 3 year in-a-relationship-iversary. If you feel like you are in the twilight zone, last month was our meet-iversary, but we weren't 'official' until Jan 4th, 2010. I scored a bowling groupon for $2 (2 games and shoe rentals!) so we are spending our evening going out a la gift card to Subway and then headed to the bowling lanes!

--- 3 ---
I started Weight Watchers on Wednesday. Surprisingly, I was trying to find a way to use up my last point that day. And that was with a 5 point Reese's pumpkin in the mix! Of course, evening rolled around and since I wasn't busy, food kept plaguing my thoughts. I think evenings when Steven is working are my biggest downfall. I tend to snack way more and not even realize exactly how much I'm snacking. Maybe in lieu of snacking I will actually get some scrapbooking done. Probably not, though. I'll probably just find a new show  on Netflix. Right now I'm eyeing "Upstairs, Downstairs". A PBS show has yet to let me down.

--- 4 ---
Along with Weight Watchers, I decided I needed some type of exercise I could do while watching tv because I hate exercise and need to be distracted. The only form of exercise I actually like is walking, but I wanted an option for rainy days, super cold days, and days where I don't want to worry about looking even a fraction of decent to go outside. So I went to Kmart to look at a super cheap treadmill they had on sale, but it had horrible reviews. Then I happened upon this gem:

So much bling in one photo. 

I. LOVE. IT. It's a stair stepper on the bottom, and resistance bands on the top. It keeps track of steps, calories burned, time, and a few other things I don't remember. AND it was like $35. It's tough but not too tough, I can do it in my slippers (although I'm sure I shouldn't), and I can change it up by doing different things with the resistance bands. I find something good on tv and away I go. I'm just aiming for 4 days a week right now. I have a long history of starting big and quitting early.

--- 5 ---
I am going to make us go broke in produce now that WW made fruits and most veggies 0 points. I mean, it's a good thing for my health, but a terrible thing for our wallet. I can't WAIT for summer produce at the farmer's market. *drools on keyboard*

--- 6 ---
Tired of WW talk? My bad! I'll go back to normal stuff next week. Anyway, I was thinking of making a blog where I combine real food recipes with weight watcher points... basically changing real food recipes just a little to make them more point friendly without using fake stuff. But then I decided that I'm just not a food blogger. If you know of any blog or site like that, though, please let me know! I use a lot of stuff from that I'm tweaking on my own a little, right now. And having said that:

--- 7 ---
Last, and most important, please storm heaven with prayers for Jennifer Fulwiler and her unborn baby as she battles not one, but TWO pulmonary embolisms in her lungs. She is our regular quick takes host (thanks, Hallie, for hosting today!) and has been in the hospital the last few days as they try to figure out treatment for her. Her blog's patron saint for this year is St. Michael who is patron saint of the sick (I would say it's ironic, but I like to think he picked her knowing she would need him!) so please join all of us in bloggyland as we pray:

Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle;
be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray:
and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits
who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.

Update: Ok, PRAYERS ARE AWESOME! Right after I finished writing this last night, I saw an update that she was sent home and they will treat the clots at home. YAY! Let's keep praying, though!

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. Bowling for $2?! That's so awesome! I hope you two have a fun night! That stair stepper machine looks so cool!!

  2. I am an evening snacker as well. I now force myself to drink hot tea when I want to eat something. It usually distracts me enough to make it through the night.

  3. I'll never be tired of WW talk ;) And our dating anniversary (or 3 years) is this month too! Time flies!

  4. My husband and I met 13 years ago in Austria this month! Wow we are freaking old. But I was only 20 at the time :)

    I love Weight Watchers, it works and I just found I had to eat whatever was in season...apples and oranges and grapefruits in the fall/winter and berries and melons in the spring/summer. It does get monotonous sometimes. I liked to eat greek yogurt for lunch (no sandwich) and veggie burgers on those wheat thin buns for dinner. We also did lots of Perdue baked chicken patties with a side of roated veggies for dinners. Anyway good luck!!

    If you like to exercise in front of the tv, do some pushups, situps and lunges and squats - such a good workout!

  5. My dorm neighbor had one of those mini-steppers in her room! We used to take turns reading for homework while we used it =)

  6. Yes I couldn't agree more with #6! I love 100 Days of Real Food.
