Friday, January 25, 2013

7 Quick Takes- Random Picture Pairing Edition

--- 1 ---
Today is the March for Life in DC! Since I can't be there in person, I will be there in spirit. Every time I go to a social media site today, I am pledging to say a prayer. This will equal LOTS of prayer for the babies aborted, babies in danger of being aborted, and mothers who feel like abortion is their only choice. We have plans to go to adoration tonight, but we are supposed to get a winter 'storm' which means I may be coming home from work early so we can hunker down and stay off the roads. Either way, we'll be joining our prayers with yours today!

--- 2 ---
Speaking of which, I love campaigns to save the trees, save the whales, save the baby seals, save the environment... but today I'm reminded of the need to campaign for saving humans, from conception to natural death.

--- 3 ---
Did I write about planting peas? Anyways, I planted them and then put them outside in the exact spot where the rain pours off of the roof and into the pot. So they are toast, I'm assuming (probably so since they should have begun sprouting on 1/16). So then I bought the little teeny cups you can start seeds in and then plant the cups in a large pot once they sprout. I was putting them on the deck railing during the day for more direct sunlight. After 2 days of that, they fell off and promptly dumped into the yard, seeds never to be found again. So I'm on my 3rd round of planting and I'm sure this will be as fruitless veggie-less as the last!

Fluffy Pants is subjected to many a brushing.

--- 4 ---
Three weeks into Weight Watchers and I've lost 8 lbs. This week, when I entered my weight, the site told me to click here to learn how to lose weight more slowly. I almost slapped the computer. My pants are finally not so tight that they are hurting me anymore, thank God!

Red Lobster meal I want to create at home: Bacon wrapped shrimp. NOMTASTIC, and shrimp and center cut bacon are crazy low in points.

--- 5 ---
We've really been exploring coconut oil more, besides just eating it. Steven started using it on some... eczema? Psoriasis? Something that the dermatologist keeps throwing steroid creams at and it works for about a week. We'll see if the coconut oil does the job. I've been using it as my moisturizer and it is DIVINE. My face is actually less oily by the afternoon than normal, and the scent is heavenly.

--- 6 ---
I've been feeling a little low on blog topics lately. That happens sometimes and it's not a big deal- I just wait until I get inspiration, but I was wondering if there was anything you'd particularly like to see me blog about? Something I've already blogged about (faith, PCOS, NFP, real food eating, being a crazy cat lady) or something brand new? I have a post brewing about prayer habits, but nothing past that.

The cat.... eating my expensive purple curtains.

--- 7 ---
I go off call today AND Steven is off for the 3rd Sunday in a row, so this weekend should be relaxing and fun. We have no plans besides church and tackling a few household projects. I looove relaxy weekends. What are your weekend plans? 

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. I feel like I have nothing to talk about anymore! I could talk about wedding stuff, but I'm kind of at a halt haha. Congrats on the weight loss!

  2. Wow, you were told to lose it slower? You're doing awesome!!! 8 pounds is huge, congrats!

    1. Yeah, some silly thing about not losing more than 2 lbs per week... I lost 2.2 this week but only .6 last week so it all evens out. Thanks!

  3. We have basically the same #6. I also see Emily is in a similar bind. Maybe we should coordinate a series... "Desperate Catholic Bloggers of America."

    On a slighltly less frivilous note... idk, what do you talk to your friends about in real life.... what do you rad about online that you love... ???

    1. Hahaha, I don't know that you would want me blogging about what my girlfriends and I talk about in real life.... the cat, our menfolk, pinterest... it would be pretty dull :).

  4. Yay for pants fitting! I have been thinking it would be cool to read what a typical day of prayer looks like vs. what the ideal you set out for would be. I know that mine are seldom the same. Just an idea.

    1. Ooooh I will include that in my prayer habit post!

  5. I love your prayer idea for uniting yourself to the March today; I can't go this year, either, and I'll have to steal it! I decided to fast, but I like the thought of prayer, too, since it will provide such a constant opportunity.

    It seems that, like me, you're gradually becoming more and more crunchy. Sometimes I see tons of ideas that make me want to throw every cleaning, beauty, or non-organic food product I own straight into the trash, but I get that it should be a moderate thing; plus, there can be a lot of misleading info out there. This is all my long way of saying that I'd love to read a feature where you explore one aspect of wellness (maybe coconut oil, like you mentioned, or something like composting, oil cleansing, or certain recipes) and give us an account of what you tried and how it played out for you. has a lot of ideas.

    Whew. Enjoy your weekend, Stacy!

  6. Replies
    1. I know, right? Tonight I'm going to make bacon wrapped tilapia.

  7. Have you tried using less in your coffee? Some mornings when I don't have coffee, I put it in my oatmeal. Maybe you wouldn't notice is that way. I didn't know Dr. Bronner had coconut oil! Did you get it at Fresh Market?

  8. I just got coconut milk french vanilla creamer for my coffee! HOLY MOLY is it is tasty! Have you shared cooking ideas with coconut oil? I've just purchased a boatload of the stuff and am looking to find some new recipes!
