Sunday, November 20, 2011

So even for a good Catholic cause, I can't bring myself to pay for a full price movie. We hit up Stimulus Tuesday every single week (2 tickets, two drinks, and two popcorns for $8) so that we can see all the movies we want to see, and even some we don't. But for $8, we have seen a lot of movies we never thought we would like and ended up loving, which is the point. I'd never take the risk at $10 per ticket. We have gone specifically to laugh at movies that we knew would be terrible, and we don't have a feeling of regret afterwards because it was cheap. But I digress, as usual. When The Mighty Macs came to what we call the "real" theater, I was SO tempted. A wholesome, Catholic movie! I really wanted to support it. But man, $20 for two movie tickets and no snacks? I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I was sad because I 'knew' it wouldn't come to the dollar fifty theater. Which, by the way, I continue to call the dollar fifty even though the price went up to $2. So I was very surprised and very happy when we checked the new movies Friday, as we always do, and saw The Mighty Macs came! The Help is also there, which I'm beyond excited about, but I'm not sure I'll be done with the book by Tuesday, and that's more likely to last two weeks than The Mighty Macs. I <3 cheap date night!!!!

In other news, we are working on a couple's workbook given to us at our retreat last weekend. It's the workbook you do if you go to the one day workshop instead of the weekend, but they gave it to us to take home. We've done two exercises so far and really like it! I love that we did the weekend retreat and got that format, and now can do this one. The second exercise we did had us list, in order of importance, 6 elements that make up a successful/happy marriage. We had to discuss them, especially our top 3, and then agree on the top 3 in a combined list. It led to a two hour conversation that we got SO much out of. Sometimes it was frustrating, but we came out if it with so much more information and understanding. It was a conversation we might not otherwise have though to have. So two thumbs up for the "A Marriage in the Lord" workbook.

And last but not least, I learned a very valuable lesson today. We went to Steven's grandma's house for Thanksgiving dinner (they do it on the Sunday before Thanksgiving so all the families can have their own Thanksgiving on the actual day just with immediate families). I promised myself I would enjoy myself but not go all out and eat everything I wanted, like I normally do. I made this decision because of alterations coming up, but also because I know the slightest thing can throw off my hormonal balance/fertility/PCOS when it comes to food. So I definitely ate things I don't normally eat, especially because his family is verrrry Southern, but I watched my portions. I had things like corn pudding, a roll, ham, sweet potatoes, a deviled egg, blackberry pie, and a sliver of some kind of cake. All they serve for drink is sweet tea (I only ever drink water but always drink sweet tea at their get togethers because that's just what people do and I've yet to be brave enough to go against the grain- silly, I know). So not horrible, especially because I watched portions, but definitely out of the ordinary for me. Well, I crashed and burned HARD on the drive home. I was sleepy, irritable, and just felt gross. I didn't even feel super over full since I ate small amounts of everything, but felt so disgusting because my blood sugar was plummeting. It was a good lesson for me- that I need to watch it a little bit more if I don't want to feel that way, and how even the slightest change from what is now normal (whole foods, fruits/veggies, healthy grains) makes me feel like crap. I mean, it kind of sucked because it would be nice to know I can splurge every now and again and not be that affected, but it was good too because it's built in incentive to NOT splurge and get carried away. After an hour, I bounced back to normal, but that hour was miserable! And poor Steven had to spend it in the car with me lol. So blood sugar, I heard you loud and clear!!!

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