Saturday, November 19, 2011

I may qualify as a Catholic geek...

Am I a geek if I super love something that 9 times out of 10 is directed towards children? For the record, I'm totally fine with that. I ordered an advent calendar yesterday and was a little perplexed as to what to do with it. I was thinking long term of having children when I picked it out and so, out of the options of place a magnet somewhere, take felt squares off to reveal a saying etc, or open sweet little drawers.... it was the drawers hands down. But then I was thinking, well what am I going to do with it until I have kids? Just put it up for seasonal display? And THEN I thought, when I have kids, I probably won't want to shove it full of candy (as is a tradition with advent calendars) because gosh, aren't my kids going to get ENOUGH candy between Christmas stockings, school, CCD, etc? So that's when I came up with the brilliant (if I may say so myself) idea of honoring the Holy Family by putting family activities in there. There would be one for each day and could be super simple all the way to an activity that we leave the house to do together. And THEN (do you see a pattern?) I thought... why not start this year??? We aren't 'technically' family yet, but we are certainly doing a lot of prep work to ensure that we will be a family forever after April, so might as well get started. So we talked last night about some ideas which, again, could be as simple as give each other a really tight hug or as complex as go out for a nice dinner. Obviously most drawers will contain something simple for the fact that we are super frugal and also super busy these days. But I'm looking forward to opening that drawer and finding that moment together no matter how crazy a day was. We're going to split up slips of paper and each do half, then randomly put them in drawers so we won't know what we're getting when. And can I tell you that I am sooooo excited for advent to start???

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