Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Pre-baby Date Day

Steven and I were super lucky to both be off of work yesterday, which is a rarity around here. We were also really lucky that it was the one day of really amazing weather for an entire week and we had booked our maternity pictures for that day! I am so, so thankful since we both had short sleeve outfits and it was 64 out.... in the 50's today and 20's tomorrow!

We have had a few dinner dates recently, but haven't had one of those hours long, hang out together type dates in quite some time. Between work schedules, doctors appointments, my tiredness, saving money, etc, it just hasn't worked out in a while.We talk a lot about not losing 'us' after the baby is here (and even bought this great book to help!), so I knew we needed to practice that by not losing 'us' before the baby is here. Most of life will be, and is, focused on the baby. And we are totally ok with that, and overjoyed about that even!! But we want to make sure we still have our little moments and that we are thinking about each other, too.  So we were really excited to realize we had an entire day to just focus on us!

We started with (mostly) sleeping in. I slept until 8, which is definitely sleeping in for me, and Steven tolerated me waking up him :). We had breakfast, a little computer time, and then a good couch cuddle while we watched some Netflix. Then we hung stuff in the baby's room, had lunch together, and got ready for the day. At 3pm, we had maternity pictures at the Raulston Arboretum, which is where we had our engagement photos done. I loved the idea of celebrating two different phases of life at the same place! We worked with the photographer for a little over an hour and I can't wait to see how the pictures turn out. We had one really funny/awkward moment when we went to change into our second outfits. There is a single women's and single men's restroom with 2 ladies in line for the women's. So I just went into the men's with Steven so we could both change. But since there was nowhere to hang our hangers, it took longer than expected for us to both get changed and our old stuff hung back up without anything falling on the floor. I was feeling weird about how long it was taking, so we opened up to walk out as I was still putting my cardigan on. The looks on the faces of the people waiting for the bathroom when they saw a couple come out, still getting dressed, was priceless. I said "We're not being awkward, I swear! Just changing clothes for our photo shoot" and we all shared a laugh together. What I should have done is point at my belly and say "come on people, how much trouble can we get into?". ;)

After we finished pictures, I was famished. We went to Moe's (ongoing pregnancy craving) and had a leisurely early dinner, followed by cupcakes at Gigi's. Once we were sufficiently stuffed, we went to Whole Foods for a few items I'll need as we near induction (I'm sure that will get its own post later!), and then drove around near the apartments we used to live in to see the new neighborhood they put up. Around then it was time for our movie, The Butler, at the $2 theater which we found out is now the $2.25 theater. As we drove there, I told Steven that I was stuffed and was glad we weren't planning on popcorn. That is, until somehow with our rewards card we got a coupon for 2 free drinks and a free large popcorn (which baffled us since that is not one of the rewards listed on the website!). Then I had to have popcorn and I had to have it immediately! I got a giant water, Steven got his diet coke, and we settled into the movie with our huge bag of popcorn. The movie was so, so good and powerful. I would highly recommend it! On our way out, we got our free refill which we portion into snack sizes and lasts us a week!

As we got in the car to come home, we were both in such great moods over what a fun day we had together. I've really missed date days with my husband! Hopefully we can incorporate them back in after Penny gets here and we get settled, with things like walks and picnics in the park as the weather warms up.

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