Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Getting More out of Mass

The title is kind of ironic. I mean, how can we get more out of, literally, the Lord's supper? We are in the flesh with Jesus every Sunday, and are so blessed to have that same opportunity every day of the year if we choose to take it. But I will freely admit to sometimes spacing out and not fully appreciating what's happening in front of me. You know, that cute baby catches your eye, or you're checking on the little old man who sits in the 2nd pew every single week without fail, or you're looking ahead in the hymnal to see if your favorite song will be sung (what, is that just me?). 

But it hits me quite often, as I imagine it does you, that the source and summit of our faith is physically present before us. And that is powerful! I sometimes wonder how we can have this realization more often. What things can we do inside and outside of Mass to help us more fully appreciate exactly what is happening at the Mass? My personal favorite thing that I've found immensely helpful was reading The Lamb's Supper. It shows how every. single. thing. we do and say in Mass is purposeful, where it comes from in the Bible and in tradition, and how it all points us to God. It was shocking to me the amount of things I didn't know before reading that book, and I find it so much easier to focus when I can think of all those connections the book made for me. Anyway, I went to one of my favorite groups of ladies to get some more ideas that you may find helpful in your experience of the Mass. Here's what they shared:

Beth Anne said that a lot of people have shared with her that they feel more in tune with the Mass when they are a lector, Eucharistic minister, or participate in some other role in the Mass. Makes sense, because becoming distracted and forgetting to walk up for your next reading or something would be pretty embarrassing ;). 

Jess shared that adoration helps her more fully appreciate the Mass, and I totally agree with that! I actually find myself craving Adoration when it has been too long since I've gone. 

Amanda and Marie said that they remind themselves that Mass is not about them, but about Him. What a good reminder for all of us! It doesn't matter if the priest's homily is boring or if it is stuffy in the church because it's not about us.

Sarah said that kneeling at the communion rail and receiving on the tongue places her in a state of humility before God. I have only received on the tongue very few times in my life and it is something I'd have to gather courage for, so that is one suggestion I might need to try! I can certainly see how it would help one view Jesus differently, just from the physical positioning of kneeling when receiving.

Sarah's input was the most interesting to me. She shared that being a mom to her (precious) twin daughters has helped her because she wants to set an example for them of focusing and being reverent in Mass, since she is the first person they will look to. Love that! 

So what about you? What helps keep you focused on the Eucharist? What brings you back to the Mass when you are distracted? 


  1. Singing loudly and unreservedly helps me. Also imagining the tabernacle as a throne where Jesus sits.

    1. You know, I used to sing loudly and unabashedly when I was younger. I should do that again! Love the throne imagery.

  2. I usually walk to Mass but if I drive don't listen to Top 40 on the radio, drive in silence or listen to some Christian music. When I get to Mass pray instead of looking around or talking, centering myself in prayer before really sets the right tone for me.

    1. Agreed on both points! It's easy to be distracted but praying when I get there definitely helps.

  3. Not having Daniel running around screaming helps. Even though I have the liturgy memorized, I use a missal or bulletin so that I'm forced to do something besides be on auto-pilot.

    And like Thomas, I do sing. :)

    1. Haha, I'm sure that does help! We also use the missal for the readings. I know a lot of people say the readings are meant to be heard and not read, but I figure if it helps me focus than I'm going to read!

  4. Singing! It's different for us in that we sing almost the exact same songs, with just a very few variations and a few variations in tune (there is no written music, just words, and there are several ways to sing most songs). Because of that, I come to expect them and look forward to them every week and I get so into them. I sing loudly and proudly and just feel the sense of joy and celebration, and the sense of communal worship with those around me who are also singing loudly. Some songs are very joyful and peppy, with clapping etc. which never fails to keep my energy up and my mind focused - and then other songs are sweetly soft and peaceful, which put me in a calm zone where I'm just really feeling the power and emotion of it all. Singing and chanting are the majority of our services, and that works for me because the music keeps me totally in the spirit of the service and Shabbat where distraction is a non-issue.

    The only times I really get distracted is when these two kids start running in and out of the sanctuary (the mom only brings them with her about once a month) and when this other woman who only attends about once a month starts talking in a normal tone to the people around her, checks her phone, walks over to people DURING THE SERVICE to talk to them during crucial intense parts, etc. It snaps me out of it and makes it hard for me to get and stay focused. I need to figure out how to work around that!
