Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Five Favorites

1. Coconut oil
I think this has made quite a few people's lists, and it's been a favorite of mine for a long time now, but I am featuring it this week for one very important reason. It is allergy/sinus season (or cold season, if you are like me right now) which means your little nose may be red, chapped, and raw. Coconut oil is a DREAM on your philtrum... and yes, I had to google that, although I remember the area between the lip and nose being called something else! We use so much coconut oil now that we had to quit buying it from Trader Joe's and start getting the mega jar from Dr. Vita. Love that stuff! 

2. Hairspray on a bobby pin for fine hair
Maybe you weren't cursed with super fine hair, but I certainly was! I really love the look of pulling some of my hair back with bobby pins, remniscent of my barette days, but less juvenile looking. But with my fine hair, the bobby pins begin to slide down shortly after I put them in. Then I spend all day chasing them and trying to put them back in without creating bald spots. I read somewhere to spray hair spray on them, and it works so well! I don't use hairspray, but had some in my bridal emergency kit, so I tried it one day. Those things go in and stay put for hours and hours! 

3. Pudding pops 
This is a throwback to my childhood. My mom used to make pudding pops all the time. I had sort of forgotten about them! We bought two popsicle sets, one being far superior because they are all separate pieces. The other is one big piece with 6 openings, so they are a lot harder to get out. Anyway, we have so far made cheesecake pops and chocolate pops. I'm thinking butterscotch is next followed by some combinations. YUM!

4. Fresh flowers
I know some people don't like getting flowers. They don't like keeping them alive, and they don't like the money wasted on something that will die in a week. I get that, but I can't NOT love fresh flowers! They are beautiful and liven up the kitchen table so well. It's hard for me to be in a bad mood when fresh flowers are around. Sunday we were at the Farmer's Market for our produce, and they had booth after booth of fresh cut, wild flowers. It my husband hadn't just brought me a gorgeous bouquet of lavender and white roses after a particularly rough day last week, I would have bought some!

5. The Bible Epic Miniseries
I was worried if it would be Catholic-friendly, but word is on the street that the husband wife team that made it (you know.... the Survivor producer guy and the angel lady) are Catholic. I knew they were, but I am hearing they still are. Anyone know? Anyways, we have watched 2 of the episodes so far and LOVE. IT. We don't have cable so we pre-ordered it on Amazon and I'm really glad we have it for keeps! 


  1. What a good idea with the bobby pins!

  2. Cheesecake pops! Please please invite me over and let's have some!

  3. I watched the first several episodes and enjoyed them okay. I think the acting could be better and they cut some corners (the story of creation was all of like 60 seconds) but it's certainly more than I've seen out there previously, and I like that it's acted out as a story instead of like a history channel boring thing.

  4. Good to know re: the bobby pins.

  5. I keep hearing about coconut oil and how great it is - I really need to study up on all the uses and get started! Loved the mini-series...sometimes seeing things on screen can give a different perspective!

  6. I must find the recipe for these cheesecake pops...omg they sound good!!
