Friday, May 17, 2013

7 Quick Takes

--- 1 ---
I'm so glad to be back after a crazy week last week! You usually have to pry me away from quick takes on Fridays (which is probably why I'm consistently late to work once a week), so I'm glad life slowed down... a bit!... so I could join back up this week!

--- 2 ---
Sooo... guess what I learned to do this week? INJECT MYSELF! The caps are more shock than excitement, in case you are confused. I have to inject myself with hcg 4 times a month to replace the hormones that my body should be making, and is only pitifully making. Hcg sound familiar? Yep, it's the hormone women make during pregnancy and what the urine tests check for. But, crazy of crazies, it can also help low levels of estrogen and progesterone. Who knew??? Maybe you did, but I didn't. My estrogen is kind of borderline and my progesterone is very low, so hopefully this does the trick. (THANK YOU, DOCTOR, FOR GIVING ME REAL HEALTHCARE AND NOT THROWING THE PILL AT ME!!!! *ahem*) Anyway, the nurse talked me through it and watched me do it at her office, and now I've completed 2 at home. For some reason it hurts more at home than it did at the office. Or maybe I just like sympathy. I'm rockin' my very own biohazardous medical waste box. SWEET! 

Mover over kleenex. There's a new box in town. 

--- 3 ---
In more exciting news, I grew my first carrot!!!! After the bunnies decimated my strawberries (I haven't been able to eat even ONE), and my peas yielded about 8 pods, I'm excited to see a good bit of carrots! I'm not pulling the rest up, because you can see this one is still pretty small. But it was soooo sweet and yummy. I'll check another one in a week or so. Carrots are harder because you can't really see them to check their progress without pulling one, but that also serves (so far at least) as preservation from pests and bunnies!

--- 4 ---
I go on call tonight. BOO! Steven is off this Sunday (of course he would be off when I'm on call!) so hopefully the phone stays quiet at least that day. Being on call forces me to stay home and relax, which most of the time isn't *too* much of an issue anyway, but tomorrow I'm going to have a pj's day and do a whole lotta nothing. That's at least one thing being on call is good for! Sunday we have church and lunch out, but we're going to hang out at home the rest of the day, so hopefully my phone is quiet for a solid 2-3 hours.

--- 5 ---
Buttercup went to the vet this week and Steven took her all by himself as his first Super Official Daddy Duty. She got a glowing report, even though her weight dropped from 5.5 lbs to 5 lbs. The vet isn't concerned, but this mommy wants her to fatten up a tiny bit. She's just a small cat, but it still makes me nervous! Her 11 year old teeth are STILL not in need of a cleaning. *So proud*

--- 6 ---

Speaking of cats.....

--- 7 ---
Time for my weekly question! Sorry to exclude you guy(s), but this one is for the ladies. Do you have a brand of affordable loose powder makeup that you use and love? I've been using Bare Minerals matte and I LOVE it. But at $27 and me using it more frequently than I used to, I'm thinking I might need to cut it out. But I'll go to Target and buy the cheaper stuff, and spend double trying to find a texture/color that I like. Plus, you know ELF cosmetics? Yeah, I used that today because I was out of my Bare Minerals and had to take an allergy pill before going to work. I'm a wee bit sensitive skinned. Any suggestions? 

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. Yay carrots! I wish I knew how to garden haha. Maybe someday I'll learn. I don't have any suggestions for makeup because I don't wear any! Sorry! haha :)
    also, yay real healthcare!

    1. I don't at all know how to garden. Seriously, I just planted some seeds and hoped they would grow! I would definitely try carrots because they have been the easiest thing! All I did was plant the seeds and water daily to every other day, put organic plant food on once a week, and walah!

  2. Oh my goodness, you are so brave giving yourself the shots! I don't think I could ever get myself to do it! I am rocking the same waste box for my shots! I feel like we have our own little doctor's office at home now.

    That's so awesome that you are growing your own carrots!!

    1. I think it's actually easier than Steven giving me shots, both because he would pass out (as evidenced by his one teaching session of progesterone lol) and because I feel better when I'm in control... surprise, surprise :).

      We should be in a Dr. G home injection support group ;).

  3. Makeup is something I don't bother using my budget on, lol, so I'm no help there.

    Your Kleenex caption cracked me up.

    1. I <3 my powder! People think I don't wear makeup, which part of me thinks "ok, that means I'm doing it right" and part of me thinks "I spent $27 for you to think I'm not doing anything???" lol.

  4. I love Mary Kay's loose powder. It lasts forever. Congrats on the yummy carrot!

    1. Ooooh I will definitely check that out! Thanks!

  5. Look at that cute carrot! Go you on the shots, you're a courageous woman and I'm praying for ya!

    1. Thank you for the kind words and prayers :).

  6. Is that a real restaurant? I would be scared yet strangely intrigued to eat there.

    Don't wear make-up so no help there. Love the carrot.

    1. Haha, yep it is a real restaurant. It's pretty close to our house so I think I'll have to go and report back here ;).

  7. I used to love powder but haven't used it in a while. I use Mary Kay liquid foundation and it works pretty well for me. Congratulations on the carrot! :D I am doing my first garden this year (in containers) but so far I don't have much hope for any of it, except maybe the spinach!

  8. Ahhh..too funny! I just posted pics of our garden this year- and we too are novice gardeners. I'm hoping this stuff will keep growing. The pics are on my other blog:
