Friday, May 3, 2013

7 Quick Takes: Birthday Edition

--- 1 ---
It's my burfday!!!!! You shouldn't ask a lady her age, so I will go ahead and tell you... 28! Oh so close to 30!
--- 2 ---
I love birthdays. Like LOVE THEM. Steven had culture shock when experiencing birthdays with our family (both on the giving and receiving end). My mom did it up big when we were little and luckily my husband has quickly learned how to make the day super special! I don't need tons of gifts, but I do need to feel like the birthday girl!
--- 3 ---
I have technically been celebrating since last Sunday. That's when I cashed in on my first free birthday meal/treat. I've had 3 so far this week.... free meal at Greek Fiesta, free sandwich at Which Wich, and free drink at Starbucks. I could get used to this!
--- 4 ---
Growing up, we were always doing end of the year testing and final exams around my birthday. I want to say I took the SAT a day after my birthday one year. So I swore to myself that I wouldn't work on my birthday when I had a job, and I have kept that promise. Luckily Steven has a day or two off during the week, so his boss has so far always let him take the day too (because what fun would it be alone?), so yay for a short week!
--- 5 ---
So today's plans! We are headed to a small, funky little town called Pittsboro about 45 minutes away. I've heard they have a great little downtown with awesome indie restaurants, a great antique/nice thrift store that is ginormous, and a grocery store that is actually a co-op owned by residents of the town. FIELD TRIP! We are going to spend the morning through afternoon there so we can enjoy lunch at Pittsboro Roadhouse. I think I'm going for the first burger listed in the burger section.... YUM. How much do you want to bet that Steven will eat the Roadhouse Burger? Sigh.... ;).

--- 6 ---
After that, we are going to head back home and my parents, who are on their way back from visiting my sister in NY, are going to stop at our house for the night. They're planning on taking us out to a local restaurant that we haven't tried yet, then we'll take it easy for the evening, and I'll cash in on my free Ihop breakfast before they leave Saturday. I requested an ice cream cake this year, and I haven't been allowed in a section of the freezer for the last week. I CAN'T WAIT! 

--- 7 ---
This week's question (birthday related, of course): Do you have any birthday traditions?

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

*Edited after the fact to add photos! 


  1. Happy birthday! sounds like you have an awesome day planned!

  2. I like to really celebrate birthdays too - make sure all my kiddos feel very special, and of course I like to feel the same on mine :)

    Happy Birthday!!!

  3. I'm happy to see I'm not the only one who shamelessly signs up for as many free birthday offers as possible! Happy born day and have so much fun in that amazing-sounding little town you're visiting!!

  4. Happy Birthday!!!!! I never work on my birthday either. I usually celebrate for a whole week (actually more if you count that my grandmother's birthday is 9 days later so I am in cake and ice cream heaven for a while).

    My birthday tradition is one year home cooked (ribs this last birthday), following year out with friends for dinner. I had a home-made lemon swirl cheesecake this last birthday and a bought Italian Cream Cake the year before. Cake is also important.

    I'm signed up for quite a few birthday freebies as well.

    1. Oooh good idea! I'd do the home cooked meal thing but hubs has about 2 signature dishes so it doesn't feel too special ;). Your week and a half of celebrating sounds awesome.

  5. You guys are so cool...always on the move. I fret so much about money and am such a miser I have a hard time enjoying going out to eat (everything is so overpriced?!)...I need to learn how to take a deep breath and celebrate things. You two are inspirations. My only birthday wishes...I love getting cards and I feel very forgotten/sad if I don't receive them. That threw my fiance for a loop...I could receive a card every day and be over the moon!

    How do you sign up for birthday freebies?

    Happy Birthday! Praying you have a wonderful, happy year! God bless!

    1. Haha our secret is that we only spend about a hundred bucks on the entire day, including gifts, meals out, etc. That might sound like a lot but some people spend more than that on just a gift. I also have trouble eating out... I could get our week's worth of groceries for the cost of a dinner, but I don't let us feel guilty on special occasions ;). For the freebies, just check out websites of places you like. Often you can sign up for eclubs.

  6. Before I got married and still lived at home, my parents had a red/white "special plate, that read you're special today because...and on our birthdays the family members would go around saying why we were fun!

    1. Every time I see that plate, I think about buying it. Love your tradition!

  7. Happy birthday! My birthday was usually the first day of school, so as a teacher I could never take it off. We also have the red heart you are special today plate. We love using it!

    1. Ya'll are really talking me into the plate!

  8. oh so close to 30? come here so I can slap you for that one - I am less than two months from it lol.

    birthday traditions...I don't feel like there are that many "things" I need or even really want, especially big-ticket stuff, so it has just happened to become a tradition that I do something new for my birthday, an activity or adventure of sorts. I love it because I can mark my birthdays by something fun I did and with unique memories instead of with stuff that may not even be valuable to me in 10 or 20 years and that I may not even remember that Nicole gave me. (Plus I still get stuff from you and Mom and Dad, so I always have fun things to open too!)

    1. Bwahaha you are REALLY SUPER close to 30 ;).

      I like the adventure thing, too! We usually do about $50 in gifts plus some kind of adventure/day trip.

  9. The best years was when spring break fell on my birthday. The way my last 2 jobs have fallen I've actually not had to work my last 2 birthdays b/c I was unemployed...go figure.

  10. Happy happy birthday!! :) I hope you had an amazing day, and that you two had a great time in Pittsboro! Enjoy the time with your family!

    I have to follow your lead with the free birthday treats! That's so awesome, and I had no idea you could do that!!
