Sunday, February 10, 2013

Book Review: Frozen Footprints

In the last year or so, I've begun to dive into the world of Catholic fiction. I love almost ALL fiction, but it felt like a natural progression to read fiction that incorporated elements of my faith. As you'd probably expect, the Catholic fiction world is relatively small, but I'm very glad to see that it is growing! I was very excited to be given the chance to review Frozen Footprints by Therese Heckenkamp for a few reasons, but for one in particular... it is a Catholic suspense novel! The Catholic fiction I've read so far have been more in the drama or inspirational genres of fiction. I am glad to see someone branching into this genre!

The book is about a very well to do family, and the revenge that is taken on members of that family when the patriarch wrongs one of his employees. There are chases, scenes of captivity, and even a little gore! As someone who enjoys horror movies, this book was right up my alley! Therese did a wonderful job of mixing our faith into the book, showing a very realistic struggle some people have, and also showing instances of people being brought back to Catholicism through trials in their lives. Though the main characters can be a bit hard to identify with in some ways (language choice and familial background), the author builds them into well developed characters early on in the book. And the antagonist... oh, the antagonist! He is someone you hope to never meet in your very worst nightmares, yet is spine chillingly fun to read about when you are cozy in your own safe home. After getting about two chapters in, I found myself having trouble putting the book down and finding every excuse I could to get back to it! I won't ruin the ending, but let me just say that it is a jaw dropper that leaves you wanting more! You can find this book through the above website and it is priced very well, especially if you have a Kindle.

*I was given a free copy of Frozen Footprints in exchange for a review; however, all thoughts and opinions are my own. 

1 comment:

  1. Interesting, I too, have been looking for some Catholic Fiction, but nothing strikes me. Thank you for posting about this book. I just much have to look into it.

    God Bless!
