Friday, February 22, 2013

7 Quick Takes- Super Random Edition

--- 1 ---
Let's get all deep from the get go. I don't talk about it much on the blog, but I've had a hard time making friends the past few years since I've moved to Raleigh. I totally took for granted how easy it was to make friends in the college dorm and huge class setting, and again in the intimate grad school, everyone-thinks-the-way-you-do setting. Finding friends here is harder than it was finding my husband! I feel like it's a 'dating process' of its own. I've joined countless groups and meetups and have had a couple friendships that last a while, but never get deep. You know, that type of friend you can call just to talk to, or call last minute to see if they want to run errands with you. That is the type of friendship I miss. Those friends of mine are scattered throughout the country now. So I have the phone option, but not the other.

--- 2 ---
That take was bordering on not being quick, so I'm continuing it here. Anyway, I was very thankful to find Cathsorority, an online group of Catholic women who are faithful to the Magisterium (who make up the majority of my readership, probably!). We joke all the time about what our husbands must think of our 'online friends', because we value our friendships there SO much! I wanted something like that in person, too, though. I attended a Women of Grace session from last August until January every other Wednesday. There were only 13 women and it was really nice to have that in person contact. Well long story long, one of the girls contacted me about 6 of us getting together for a 'supper club' type thing. We are meeting for dinner next Wednesday, and I think we'll aim for monthly after that. I am SO excited. Of course I do wish we could do things that didn't cost money, or a lot of money, but I will suggest that as we plan out our next thing. This time, I'll suck it up and pay for dinner at the restaurant they chose, which is so fancy that Steven and I went their for a dating anniversary... with COUPONS lol! I am looking so forward to developing these relationships!

--- 3 ---
It's been a calm week on my blog, but that's because I was busy guest posting this week. I wrote about St. Felicity for Jenna, and reflected on the wife described in Proverbs 31 for Jen. I was really glad for those opportunities to write about faith related topics. It's been a while!

--- 4 ---
We are moving next week at work, and I got the biggest kick out of our moving boxes. This shows you just how well non-profits share! I am sure we will pass them on to another non-profit after we are through with them... except the ones that should have been retired 4 moves ago! I am enjoying my last few days in my very own office, which I have enjoyed for over 3.5 years now. My office mate is lovely (I hired her and "lovely officemate" was on the top of my requirement list), but there is still nothing like having your own office!

--- 5 ---
I don't mind going to doctor appointments, but I loathe calling to set them up. I've had the websites to the chiropractor and dentist pulled up in my browser for two weeks now, and still have yet to call. If I was rich, the first thing I would do is hire a personal assistant to make phone calls for me.

--- 6 ---
I just realized that we forgot to celebrate our engage-iversary this year and it made me so sad! I think we officially have so many -iversaries that we can't keep up. I may need to create a master list somewhere!

--- 7 ---
We might *MIGHT* have two ENTIRE weekends in a row together. Steven was already scheduled to be off for next weekend, but his boss is hoping to give him this weekend off too, because he (the boss) has been in the hospital so Steven has worked nine bajillion days in a row without a day off. Technically, he should have a 3 day weekend, but I'm only really excited about the 2 we get to spend together ;). So far I have planned a trip to the $2 theater and a trip to the Redbox. It's going to be a movie watching kind of weekend! What are your weekend plans?

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. Haha you have all the anniversaries to celebrate :) Jim's been working Saturdays and I was so excited for this weekend for him not to!.. until they told me yesterday I need to come in for a few hours. So much for weekend! So lame.

  2. That's so awesome that you have found a potential group of women to become closer friends with! I hope it goes well next week, and have fun with Steven this weekend! :)

  3. I am so jealous you have a $2 movie theater! We just have matinee and regular price, and even the matinee is not cheap. Enjoy!

  4. I know we are totally different ages but we need to hang out sometime... I think we'd have fun!! I LOVE the $2 movie theater. My husband hates setting up appointments too... he literally won't call anyone! Hope you guys have a great weekend. If you get a chance-- come to Stations of the Cross at St. Joe's tonight!

  5. I know exactly what you mean with making friends! I wrote about it a while ago:

    It took until about six months ago, after over a year of living in my town, to really feel like it was home, and I think a huge part of it is having made two true girlfriends to hang out with alone and to do couple things with. It really is hard! I think living in a college town has helped us, too, since there are more young people at our parish. I've heard good things about Women of Grace, I hope you enjoy it! Have a good weekend with your hubs!

    1. And, in other news, I've nominated you for a Liebster Award! Check it out here:

  6. It seems the older we get the harder it is to make friends. I don't have any friends left in my hometown, as when we all moved to university the ties severed and we lost touch. And university friends are scattered all over the place. As sad as it might seem, online friends are important to have too! Part of the reason why I love blogging so much is that I connect with people who are in the same mindframe as me!

  7. That is something I've taken for granted so much being in school and being able to make friends. I'm really nervous about graduating/moving and making friends again. I'm hoping that maybe having kids will help. Maybe?

    Enjoy your two weekends together! :D

  8. I know what you mean when it comes to making friends. It is interesting to think how much it is like "dating", but I think my main problem is many are not too fond on my faith, but also I am so awkward when making friends.

    So I know where you are coming from!

  9. My kids think all my friends "live on the computer". :) Does that make you feel better??

  10. 1. Me too. It's even more isolating now that I'm home all day and my friends all work. Even though I don't have kids, I wish I had more SAHM friends in the area! At least I could have lunch buddies :)

    2. I'm so happy to have found you and all of the other ladies--even if we're all just "online" friends. I met Chris online, and have good friendships with other people I got to know online, and some of them I STILL haven't met. I guess it's like those stories you see on the Today Show, where women were pen pals since they were 15 and now they're 70 and finally getting to meet each other.

    Re: the supper club--what about a potluck at someone's house instead of going out? That might be fun, too! But yeah, I'm jealous that you had this group and met these ladies.

    4. Good luck with the work move!

  11. Completely understand the lack of friendship as an adult woman. really sucks...

  12. I loved your article on St. Felicity...when I was little I dressed up as her for an all saints party one year; her story is such an inspiration!
