Friday, October 18, 2013

7 Quick Takes

--- 1 ---
You may or may not have noticed that I've been on a bit of a blogging hiatus. It was unintended, but caused by the not-at-all-a-problem of October being such a fun, busy month! I have come to really love fall the past few years, and with that October becomes chock full of fun events! I am a little verklempt over a lack of fall colors so far this year. I'm assuming it has something to do with the ever-crazy weather, but I'm so ready for the beautiful colors of Raleigh in the fall! I'm thinking they'll start coming out more in the next 2 weeks. 

--- 2 ---
On Wednesday, we went to our favorite farm to get our pumpkin and some homemade, farm fresh ice cream. Sadly, they switched hay rides to weekends only, but at least we know for next year. That did not stop us from buying produce, honey, and sitting on their porch swing with our pumpkin ice cream. 

 Celebrating 20 weeks at the farm!

Steven with our chosen pumpkin. 

--- 3 ---
Thursday was our 20 week ultrasound. We saw the baby's stomach (the organ! it was crazy!), kidneys, diaphragm, and brain. We had to look away about 5 times so we didn't see the gender, and that was torturously fun. In this picture, you can see Penny saying his/her prayers with little hands folded in front of the face. Yeah, our baby is awesome like that. For the 3rd ultrasound in a row, our baby has eaten its hands and stuck its arm above its head. I love seeing its little behavioral patterns and habits already! My slight concerns about Penny not kicking much were eased when, as I suspected, I found out my placenta is at the top, right where the baby's feet are! So the baby kicks it instead of me. However, I took a bathroom break mid ultrasound and, when I came back, the baby had completely turned! Maybe I'll feel more now, unless it turned back after the ultrasound was over. 
After the ultrasound, we went to a consignment store near our doctor's office. I got a shirt and jacket, and baby got a little stash of books. Then we went to Target to work on our registry. They gave us a little gift with goodies inside, which was almost more fun than making the registry (especially since there were SO many holes in the baby section!!!). 

--- 4 ---
Then yesterday afternoon we went to the opening day of the NC State Fair! With all the fun free stuff like shows and exhibits, who needs rides??? We saw pig, duck, and goat races, and an acrobatic show, plus tons of livestock, crazy sized produce, and sooo many flowers. We each had our choice of a salty treat and sweet treat. I think I could now sleep for a week.

--- 5 ---
As if the fun should stop there, tonight we are headed up to the front of our neighborhood to see a play. There is a performing arts center a mile from our house, and we've so far gone to the town talent show, Charlotte's Web, and quite a few of the summer concerts. Tonight we're going to walk up there and see "Barefoot in the Park". I'm so excited, and love living so close to it! Then Saturday is Catholic Convocation, which my awesome parish paid for me to attend since I'm a catechist. I've signed up for 3 sessions which I've long since forgotten, and we have mass with the bishop. Sunday, I may just crash from all this fun ;). 

--- 6 ---
 Periodically, we like to go show some love to the cats at Petsmart. These two almost had me taking out my wallet and signing adoption pictures when we went on Wednesday!!!! Can you even resist their sweetness? 

 --- 7 ---
Friday question: all you mamas (and papas?) out there! How many changes of things like sheets, mattress covers, changing table covers, and bibs do I need? So far I registered for 2 of each except bibs which I have yet to register for. Is 2 enough of everything but bibs? I don't want a ton of stuff to store, but I also want enough... I just don't know what enough is! I figure with cloth diapering I'll be doing a ton of laundry anyway?

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. Your schedule sounds exhausting but fun!
    Glad the 20 u/s went well!!
    I would actually up your count to 3 for sheets and diaper covers unless you plan to have a bunch of swaddle blankets around for multi-task; then you could just put one of those down under the head and neck if Penny likes to drool/spit in his/her sleep.

  2. Two is fine, as long as you are doing laundry everyday. Which I;m sure you will be (insert evil cackle here!)

  3. Back with baby #1, I registered for 2 crib sheets and 2 mattress covers. I've never needed more and they are still doing just fine with baby #5. Changing table covers I generally say 3 per changing pad. If you keep one upstairs and one downstairs, I'd say 5 or 6. If you only have one, 3 is good. Why 3? Because I've been there with a baby who can go days without pooping only to have blowout after blowout or just be very good at going while I'm changing them and some days laundry just doesn't happen, so I have 2 extra just in case. Maybe you'll never need to get use all 3 in a single day, but I wouldn't rule it out. :) Bibs you'd want more of but it depends on how frequently you do laundry. I've accumulated a few dozen bibs but I don't go through them all each week either. I do laundry about every 4 or 5 days and I generally go through about a dozen before they get washed. (I don't cloth diaper now, but I have and might again in the future and I always washed those separately given the nature of what goes in a diaper, so I wouldn't assume you'd wash bibs with diapers.)

  4. I would go with three sheets and at least two mattress covers. Yes, you will be doing a lot of laundry with the cloth diapers, but unless a sheet is just absolutely soiled, I wouldn't throw it in with the diapers. A good idea someone shared with me. Go ahead and put all the sheets and mattress pads on the bed, alternating them. That way in the middle of the night you can just strip off one set and another set is there. No hunting around to try to find it.

    I wouldn't even register for many bibs. People will naturally give them to you, and you can find a particular brand/style that you like after that.

    Another thought about mattress covers. I got two that are the fitted style, and then a pack of three that are more like flat sheets. The ones that are the flat sheets travelled with my older daughter to her bed and worked great.

    I know registering can be overwhelming, but so much fun! Enjoy it!
