Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thoroughly Thankful Thursday!

I saw this link up over at Sarah's blog and just had to join in. I'm really awesome at whining and complaining, so here's to improving my skills of being grateful! (And also, my husband says I'm a pessimist. I say I'm a realist. A pessimist wouldn't write such an optomistic post, but a realist totally could! So there. Realist it is.) I won't list every single thing I'm thankful for because we would be here all day but here are some that come to mind.

  • Our house. I still can't believe we have it. On that note, the weedeater my in laws gifted to us this week.
  • A Catholic neighbor who is in my same women's group. We now ride together and I have a feeling we will be fast friends. 
  • A super snuggly kitty.
  • Time with my husband. Our schedules haven't been lining up a ton these past two weeks so we have really been savoring an hour here or there!
  • Cooler weather! Love having the windows open!
  • The upcoming marriage of Steven's best friend. They are getting married this Sunday evening!
  • The cold side of the pillow. Seriously.
  • Homemade goodies like granola bars and cookies. And the maple cream cookies from Trader Joe's. *drool*

Wanna join in? Link up over at Sarah's!


  1. Yay for weedeater! And I spend a lot of time last night trying to find the cold side of my pillow. Amazing for sure :)

    Glad that you're getting more time with the hubby, too--that quality time together is so precious! Happy Thankful Thursday!

  2. I'd never say I like being apart from Dan, but there is something to having a little less time together sometimes so you remember how awesome those "boring evenings" are!
