Saturday, December 27, 2014

Christmas with Baby

For months leading up to Christmas, I was sad that we wouldn't be at my parents' house for Christmas. After all, in the 28 Christmases I've lived through, I've never been anywhere else for that holiday! It was time to go to Steven's parents for Christmas since we never have (as a couple; obviously he has plenty of times :) ), but I was so afraid I'd be bummed all day not being "home" with our traditions and with what's familiar to me. But I realized a few weeks befor Christmas that I wasn't sad anymore. I'm not really sure when it changed, but it hit me that I was so excited for Felicity's first Christmas and our family time around the tree that we'd have that morning. I was so relieved to be feeling a positive emotion about the day! I kept picturing my little family of 3 opening gifts Christmas morning, seeing Felicity playing with her gifts, and eating breakfast together. 

Sadly, I started feeling sick on Sunday night and am just starting to feel better today (Saturday), so there was a bit of a damper on the holiday as I was feeling particularly rough on Christmas eve and Christmas day. Monday I went to the doctor and she said it was a virus and to wait it out. Well by Friday when I went back, I had 2 ear infections, 1 and possibly 2 ear drum ruptures, and possible pink eye. Oh, that explains the paralyzing ear pain. Anyway, Christmas Eve, Steven met us at church. We were packed in like sardines for the children's Mass. Felicity did amazingly well, only needing to be taken out for the last 5 minutes of the 2 hour pageant + Mass. The pageant was done musical style and was SO cute. We were lucky to be sharing intimate space with friends versus strangers, at least, but it was hot and we had no room to even adjust our positioning. Next year we will do what we said we were going to do this year- go to Mass on Christmas day! We got home and put Felicity to bed and then Steven and I had our traditional Christmas Eve snacks (which is carried over from my childhood). This year's assortment was pizza rolls, fruit, cheese and crackers, Happy Birthday cupcakes for Jesus, and fudge. Yum! 
All dressed for church

We woke up the next morning around 7 and came out to the tree. We had Felicity's activity cube and train unwrapped and she went right to her cube and played with it a bit. We would have her open a present and then let her play with the item, box, or wrapping paper while we opened ours. It was leisurely and fun and everything I imagined. I made a breakfast casserole and we ate before getting ready to go to Steven's parents' house. I considered staying home because I was feeling so rough, but I knew I'd miss being with my family all day on such an important day. Luckily I held it together until we got back home, and Steven took care of Felicity the rest of the evening so I could lay in a lump and do nothing. At his parents' house, we ate a yummy Christmas meal, and exchanged presents. Felicity had a ball playing with ornaments, the tree skirt, and a stuffed penguin they keep at their house for her to play with. We stayed a little over 2 hours before heading home. 

Opening a present with Dada

It was a simple day, but a really nice one. Had I not been sick, it would have been a perfect day. I love my little family so much, and I love making memories with them. Christmas may have been really different this year, and I missed my family a lot, but it was such a sweet day with my husband and baby! 

Our best gift!

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