Friday, May 9, 2014

Playdates: My Anti-Drug

I have had such an amazing few days! No, don't check the blog address; you're at the right place! I'm here to finally post about motherhood being amazing! After 3 days of hiding in the house with the plague, I have spent the last two days out of the house for play dates. I'm happier, Felicity is happier, and, ironically, the house is cleaner. How does that even happen? I'm pretty sure since I'm feeling happer and more with it, I'm being more productive when I'm home and during Felicity's nap times. And because we're spending more time out of the house, she's taking longer naps instead of the cat naps she's become famous for, that are just long enough to get nothing done. We're going on 2 hours right now and I tidied the whole house (except for the master bedroom where she's sleeping), vacuumed, and did the dishes. 

Yesterday, we were out of the house for 5 hours together. Pretty sure that's a record (not including when we've been out of the house with Steven, too). I pumped in the car, while driving!, twice so that's no longer intimidating to me. It's not fun, but at least I know I can do it so if I have a day like yesterday- many more, I hope- I don't have to feel guilty about missing pumps, or cut the day short to rush home and pump. We went to a tongue tie support group/playdate where we hung out for 2.5 hours. Then we went to get some 1/2 price cat foot (woot!) and groceries, followed by happy hour at Starbucks. I came home both exhausted and so, so happy. 

When mama's happy, everyone's happy!

Today we'll have had TWO playdates. They were both planned kind of last second which is sometimes the best ones. We went to the library where I had a book on hold (What's Going On In There? How the Brain and Mind Develop in the First Five Years of Life... nerd alert!), and then to our local coffee shop and consignment shop. Felicity is currently in that long nap and I'm having a little internet time after being super productive. Once the neighbor's son wakes up, she and her two boys will be coming over for blocks and cheezits time until our husbands get home.

There is just something about connecting with other moms that is so good for my morale. I don't love the big group stuff, being an introvert, but I love, love, love small group or individual play dates. I love seeing what other, older kids are doing (because, let's face it, my 11 week old is about the youngest kid on a playdate) and having time to chit chat with other moms. I especially love hanging out with moms who talk about things besides their kids! I love Felicity, but I like talking about other stuff, too! 

So there you have it. A post in which I manage the house and my own happiness. And it only took 11 weeks ;) !!! 

1 comment:

  1. Connecting with other moms IS so important. I have a once a week walking group and then try to get together with people at least one other time...sometimes it works, sometimes not, but we at least get out of the house a couple of times!
