Monday, May 19, 2014

Fun With Felicity 1st Edition

The past two weeks, I have been having SO much fun with my sweet baby! She is napping on more of a schedule, I'm learning to read her cues a lot better, and she is so much more smiley and interactive. I finally feel like "ahh! So THIS is what people can't get enough of!". Because of her more predictable naps, I'm better able to manage the household, which has taken off a huge amount of stress. We're also getting out most days which, while good for me as a homebody, is really good for Felicity who is showing signs of extroversion. Is that a word? I don't know who in the world she gets it from but she loves to be out of the house and around other people. Though I do see some of myself in her when she crashes almost immediately after getting in the car. Yeah, I need some time to recover, myself! I figured I should document the fun things we do a) because my memory sucks and b) because it'll be good to read during the rough periods. I'll try to get pictures in the future to go along with the posts!

  • Story time at the library: We've only been once so far (well, she's been twice because Steven took her once as well), but it was SO much more fun than I anticipated. The name does not at all do it justice. Out of 20 minutes, only about 5 is spent on the story and the other 15 is spent doing little songs with dances/motions. That probably sounds horrible to you non-moms out there :P, but it's so much fun for me to interact that way with Felicity, to see how she reacts, to watch her watch other kids, and to see what my future holds in how the other/older babies respond to it. I love it for Steven because playing with Felicity doesn't come as naturally to him so it's helping him learn how to play with her before she's big enough to really play. It's twice a week at our library and we will definitely be going at least once a week! 
  • Babywearing International Meeting: This wasn't the most fun I've had because I didn't feel like I really learned anything new, but it's always fun to be around moms with similar interests/philosophies. Felicity loved staring at all the other babies (a common theme for her in most of these activities), and I got to see some different carriers I'd only heard about. The meeting location we go to is at one of my favorite baby boutique stores, so that's a plus!
  • Consignment store shopping: Felicity, you guessed it, likes to look at other people (and things) and I have a blast finding really amazing deals. Sadly, I've bought way way way way too many clothes so I have to put a stop to that (besides a gap in the 9 month size range, she's basically covered until she's like 18 months. It's a sickness, I tell you). But I can still look for other must haves, like stuff for the beach this year (floppy hat- check!), toys that are quality and hard to come by, etc. It's so much more fun to me than thrifting because everything is in better shape but you can still get amazing deals. 
  • Walking with the neighbor: Ahhhh, adult time. It's so great to have another adult to talk to! She has a 2.5 year old and 6 month old, so I learn a lot from her. Felicity and I both get vitamin D, and she loves to be outside (again... whose kid is this???). We usually go walking with the neighbor about 3 times a week and I look very forward to it. Not to mention that it's great having a neighbor friend! We ended up leaving Felicity with her a few weeks ago when we were so sick that we went to the ER and I can't say how good it feels knowing we can trust someone 2 doors down with our baby. So yeah, I am loving our walks! 
These are my current fave things to do with baby girl and I'll be back for more in a 2nd edition later :). What are your favorite things to do with your baby/child?


  1. I find library story time to be torture for me but Lucia loves it. We actually haven't gone since we've been here but much of her gymnastics class and the "WInter Wiggles" class she went to previously had the songs/fingerplay and those drive me batty. Anyway, it was just so funny to read that you really enjoyed that. We look forward to seeing you two on Saturday (maybe Steven too? Did he get his schedule?)

    1. Haha, it probably comes from my long history of babysitting and nannying. I did that kind of stuff a lot and so now it's even more fun with my own kid! See you this weekend :).

  2. What I love about storytime is that I just have to follow along. I don't have to think about it, or come up with the idea, or implement anything. I just show up and enjoy the time with the kiddos. And that time of not having to plan something out is priceless to me. Plus, I've met some great moms there.

    1. I didn't even realize that that is a huge part of why I love it until you said it! Yes, it makes it SO easy!
