Monday, March 24, 2014

Felicity at One Month (and 4 days...)

I bought a baby book shortly after Felicity was born, but the way the months are listed, it doesn't actually cover weeks 1-4 or "0 months". So since that book will be updated with 1 month covering weeks 4-8, I thought I'd do just the opposite here- call this 1 month, since she turned a month old last Thursday, and update on the weeks leading up until now. Confused? Yeah, me too :). But I figured that way I'll capture two different time periods and, between the book and blog, will have plenty of details to look back on!

{Felicity Marian: One Month Old}

Weight: 7 lbs 0.5 oz (finally gaining well!!!)

Height: 20 inches

Medical Issues: Oh dear Lord! Still not nursing because both ties reattached (getting them lasered next week) and she has thrush, some reflux, clavicle...weirdness (?) that the doctor will be following, hemangioma rapidly growing (treating with a topical medication)

Sleep: We had 2 glorious nights of her sleeping off and on from about 9pm to 9am, after a long stretch of sleeping 5am- all day and then 12:30am to 11:30 am. Now she's doing a 2:30- early afternoon thing. We're trying to get her back to 9pm! 

Clothes/Diaper Size: Newborn clothes (still some room to go although she's filling out the length), newborn disposable diapers, newborn cloth covers and preemie prefolds

Likes: Milk, a good butt pat, being bounced on the exercise/birth ball, Putamayo's World Playground CD, her paci, being worn, car rides, and stroller rides

Dislikes: waiting for milk, losing her paci, having clothes put on and off over her head, being put in the car seat, waking up hungry

Nicknames: I'm ashamed to admit that many of the nicknames I use for the cat have been transferred to the baby. I use pet names all the time, and really need to work on using her given name! She does have one nickname that we use a lot that she doesn't share with the cat: Mush (rhymes with push). Steven and I both call her that and I think it's because, as tiny as she is, her face is sooo mushy and chunky when she's in a carseat. And she's just a pile of mush when she's sleepy.

Milestones: This doesn't really count I don't think, but she rolled from tummy to back during tummy time about a week ago. She has a very strong neck and holds it up all the time!

I don't want to forget this!: We went to my post partum check up and the whole office was so excited to see her! It's a very small office (I think I've talked about it before) so we got to know the staff very well over the last 2 years of me going there. They were excited to see our "miracle baby" :) and all ran up to the check in desk to see her when we arrived. Here's us with our awesome napro ob!


  1. Well, technically, birth-one month is the first month of life, so I put that in Lucia's 1 month pages, and then did the 2 month update as soon as she turned 2 months, not at the end of two months, if that makes sense...

    Love the picture of her with Dr. Giebmanns! So special!

  2. You should add "having a drop of pee pee in her diaper" as a dislike. Unless that's changed!

  3. She's so cute! Congratulations! :)
