Friday, June 28, 2013

7 Quick Takes

--- 1 ---
Last week Steven and I went for a walk in the park. I knew a veterans memorial had just been unveiled, but I didn't know how cool it would be! It was made in a timeline with a giant granite wall for each decade. Each wall had information about the war fought in that decade (there was only ONE decade where no war was happening since the birth of our country). It also shared how North Carolinians were involved in the wars. It was sad and fascinating all at the same time! 

--- 2 ---
I've been feeling the call to get involved with faith formation ever since I stopped in 2010. I'm kind of hard headed though, so God really had to put a bug in my ear to get me to agree. I knew it was meant to be when my parish had a section in the bulletin asking for people to work with children with special needs. Since I work with adults with special needs as a career, I just knew this was God saying "Hellloooooo.... yes you!". I emailed the lady who heads up faith formation, and have met with her twice since then. I'll be helping a little boy who will be preparing for his first Eucharist and first reconciliation. So intimidating, but a huge honor, too! Our church has some awesome materials!!! This one is cute, colorful, and well put together, and is only $60. Since it can be reused, I think it's a steal, and all parishes should get a set!

--- 3 ---
My favorite part? The line in the book that says, "You might think Jesus tastes yucky, and that's ok". Haha! I also reviewed the Rose F. Kennedy program, which is crazy old, but still SO relevant! In fact, all these materials would be pretty good for typically-abled children, too! I'm glad God gave me the push because I'm super excited to give back again (and um, I just NEED to be giving back).

--- 4 ---
Steven is off tomorrow- WOOHOO! First we said we wouldn't make plans. Now our day will include: a trip to a 50% off thrift store, trip to Verizon to cancel my old plan, church, dinner at Guasaca (South American, sooo yummy and gluten free!), and seeing Paul Reiser at a comedy club. Yeah, our day is going to SPEED by but it'll be fun. Also, does the fact that we love Paul Reiser make us old? We read Couplehood on our honeymoon and LOVED it. Steven is a huge Mad About You Fan, so as soon as I saw he was coming to town, I knew we had to go!

--- 5 ---
A little farm market opened up in one of my town's downtown buildings. Our downtown is SO TEENY TINY. It's a cute, country looking downtown with not much in it. The good news is that downtown Raleigh is about 10 minutes from our house, so we get the best of both worlds! Anyway, they have been working to improve our town's downtown, and this little market is definitely taking it in the right direction! The farm is about 90 minutes away but they come to Raleigh 7 days a week for the state Farmer's Market anyway, so now they just drop produce, other grocery items (homemade jams, etc), and a worker off at the little downtown store! We bought a bell peppers, a whole chicken and ribeye steaks, PLUS two gifts of their handmade items for $30. And the meat is cage free/hormone free/antibiotic free! We'll definitely be going there a lot!

--- 6 ---
New favorite song!!!! It's not actually new, but new to me. Ignore the video. It's kind of freaky. And yeah, I have a slightly.... interesting taste in music. Ever listened to Bon Iver? Love! My pandora ranges from Christmas music, to the artists I just listed, to Catholic hymns lol. 

 --- 7 ---
Friday question alert! Building off 6, if you had to pick just ONE artist to suggest to me, of ANY type of music genre, who would it be? I want to build my playlist up a little more! 

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. That's awesome you'll be helping more in your parish...I struggle too sometimes following through when I sense God calling me to something, don't worry its not just you!
    Aren't fruit market just the best around this time of year?? :)

    1. YES they are!!! It can totally change a bad mood of mine to see all of the beautiful colors!

  2. Johnny Cash! His pandora station is wonderful!

    1. Haha, since we share a last name I guess it's about time I checked out his music!

  3. Seeing Paul Reiser, how awesome! (I'm hoping that doesn't make me too old either)...I loved Mad About You, he and Helen Hunt had such chemistry together on that show.

    1. They did! I was also excited to learn that he and his wife have been married for a LONG time. Not common for a celebrity (even if he's kind of b list lol).

  4. I hate admitting this but my Taylor Swift channel on Pandora is my absolute favorite! At least it's not Beiber.

    Have a great day off and you have to let me know what you find at the thrift stores! :)

    1. Lol nothing wrong with Taylor Swift. The 50% sale starts in the am and we won't get there til after lunch, so I don't know that we'll have much luck!

  5. That is awesome that you are helping a little boy prepare for 1st Communion! Thanks for following the prompting of the Holy Spirit :)

    Enjoy your busy and fun-filled day!

    1. Haha, thank you for thanking me... it only took me 3 years ;).

  6. Ooooh I did used to love Fiona Apple! I'll check out the other 2 you mentioned. Thanks!

  7. The Samples/Sean Kelly - Colorado Cool, and he sends out free songs a few times a week

  8. Thanks to Kendra, I've been really into dubstep + classical instruments so I would suggest Lindsay Stirling at this moment. Next week it may be different though :)

    It's so awesome how involved you are in your parish!
