Friday, June 14, 2013

7 Quick Takes: Alaska Edition

I'm still recovering from vacation and trying to catch back up on life, so I thought I'd post some of my favorite pictures from our awesome Alaskan vacation! If you ever get a chance to go on an Alaskan cruise, run, don't walk, to your nearest cruise ship! 

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My parents got a suite with a balcony on the back of the ship. It was AMAZING! Here we are still in the Seattle port. 

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This is Mendenhall Glacier in Juneau, Alaska. It is a shrinking glacier and used to come all the way out to where I stood taking this picture! It was so blue and pretty.

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We took an amazing train ride 20 miles up into mountains. Can you see the stick bridge we drove over? It was so scary and so cool all at the same time! The view down was STEEP.

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From 17 miles in we had a view of our cruise ship at the port!

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We spent one day in Glacier Bay which is a world heritage site. They only let 2 cruise ships in per day. They said the glacier rarely calves (which is when it thunders and falls) but it did it probably 5 or so times while we were there! It was really exciting to watch... even more so since we had spiked coffee. Yum.

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This was the other cruise ship in Glacier Bay with us. Can you believe how pretty the water is? I always thought Alaskan water would be blackish.

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We were on a cruise where there were icebergs; we just HAD to have a king of the world moment!

Bald eagles in Ketchikan! The two on the left are babies and the one on the right is an adult. They were all over the place!

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. Oh my goodness, Alaska looks so beautiful! I'm really happy you two got to go :)

  2. Love Alaska! Were you too early to see the salmon run?

  3. I love the pictures! It looks like you had a great time!

  4. Wooowww I know barely anything about Alaska, but by the looks of your pictures it's absolutely stunning! So glad you guys had fun!

  5. I totally want to do this someday.

  6. Everything looks so pretty. I think I may have to make Alaska my next cruise.

  7. My parents just went on an Alaskan Cruise in May. I was looking at your pictures yesterday and realized that they never showed me theirs! I heard lots of fun stories though!

  8. I cannot get over these pictures! Scenery like nothing I've ever seen! It looks like an absolutely amazing trip! I'm so happy for you getting to go! :)

  9. Totally jealous -- Alaska is on my bucket list.

  10. We went on an Alaskan cruise for our honeymoon and LOVED it! Best time ever, and the beautiful scenery, un-freakin-real...cannot wait to hear more about it:)

  11. Awe-mazing! This kind of this is on my MUST do list!
