Sunday, April 8, 2012

Our Easter Menu

Happy Easter!!!! I hope you have fun plans with your family today. I certainly do! This morning at the 7:30 am mass, my fiance will become Catholic! We are so excited and my dad is in town for the event. Yesterday we dyed eggs when my dad arrived, went out for a pre-celabratory dinner for Steven, attended the vigil, and then crashed for a few hours before mass this morning.

Our Easter menu:

For breakfast we are having hard boiled eggs that we dyed yesterday, along with delicious resurrection rolls (now a tradition). Of course, breakfast will be chased by an inappropriate amount of Reeses and Cadbury products.

For lunch/dinner, I'm serving a Smithfield ham. Because me and ham don't know each other well yet, Steven bought a pre-cooked, spiral sliced ham. I just throw a little brown sugar over the top and warm it in the oven. One of these days, I want to go non pre-cooked, but wedding week was not the time to try! I'll also make mashed sweet potatoes (only the easiest thing to make ever... why did I think they'd be hard?) and green beans. We'll have droolworthy mac n cheese as a side, and Sister Schubert's rolls. I have made my own rolls/biscuits before, but it's another thing that takes more time, effort, and energy than I can muster this week. Usually I have a big batch of them in my freezer since the ones I make are quite a bit of work, but we just finished the ones I made (in October!) off in February and I haven't restocked. For dessert I'm making whole wheat applesauce cake with this whipped cream frosting. I haven't tried either before, so I'm excited to be baking something new!

What's on your Easter menu?


  1. I made a pork loin - a first for me. One side was stuffed with garlic and rosemary, the other half wrapped in bacon with maple syrup. My husband and my sons could not decide which recipe they wanted me to make, so I made them both! My hubbie made a Caesar salad and with that, homemade bread and roasted potatoes, we had quite a treat. Blessings to you with all this wonderful news.

  2. Shh don't tell we had chinese food on our way to disney world since my sister was out of town on a cruise. Hopefully I'll get to make my easter lasagna soon.
