Friday, April 13, 2012

Last Thoughts From a Bride

Instead of doing a final post of All Things Wedding, I thought I'd ramble aimlessly about my last thoughts as a 'single' woman before my wedding day! Bullet style, because otherwise it will end up a 7 page single paragraph of verbal vomit. And since this week is insanely busy (in a good way) this is now becoming my 7 quick takes. At least you know I can't go on longer than 7 thoughts :). And since I decided to make this my quick takes after writing it, I apologize for the lack of fancy quick takes graphics. But do go visit Jen at Conversion Diary for more Quick Takes!

Last thoughts:

  • Wedding planning was way more fun than I thought it would be. Before I met Steven, I often thought that I really, really wanted to get married but simply couldn't imagine going through the wedding planning process. But as soon as it was my turn, I ate it up! Yes there was stress, but Steven has been an amazing groom and it's made the whole process a lot of fun. I think I'll look back on choosing vendors, choosing colors, and choosing little decor details very fondly. 

  • When we first got engaged we briefly talked about getting married in October of 2011. We quickly dismissed that because my sister's wedding was in August of 2011 and neither of us would have enough vacation for a honeymoon left after that, and we figured it would be a bit stressful for anyone involved in both weddings. Plus, Steven had a mental block about wanting to be together for two years (Jan 2012) before we got married. And I had a mental block about getting married in April because it's my favorite month and I love spring. It's funny though because, practically speaking, it still makes sense that we didn't do last October, but we often have turned to each other and said "If we got married in October, we'd already have been married for ____ months now". And we never would have had the whole living together before marriage sticky situation. As was discussed in Cathsorority recently, some things are more important than practicality (brides to be: take notes!). But I'm glad I didn't have to use fall colors... blech. I'm a spring color girl all the way.

  • I normally pack for trips ridiculously early. Like, sometimes two weeks before and then I just add in my toiletries last minute. It's Wednesday as I'm writing this, we are leaving at 4am Sunday morning, and I just started a small pile of things to be packed. That's how you know the honeymoon is an afterthought to the wedding! I told Steven it will be so fun to get to the hotel on the wedding night and realize we are leaving the country the next morning, because we have been so busy with wedding details that I don't think it's quite hit either of us yet! I am soooo excited to explore Curacao with my husband! (Yes, I just got goosebumps.)

  • I got my eyebrows waxed a week in advance like a smart person. Enough time so if they messed anything up, I could fix it, right? Yeah, except for some reason the wax they put above my eyebrows has totally dried that skin out and it's all gross and flaky. I usually never let them wax above, only below, because above looks fine. But this time I didn't even think about saying it until she was already doing it. I hope the alligator skin disappears by Saturday!!! Oh well, the makeup lady should be able to make me look somewhat normal.

  • Steven and I are having breakfast together the morning of the wedding. I will probably be a nervous wreck, but I think that seeing him and having a quiet moment together will be so helpful. I wasn't really into the whole "don't see your groom until the wedding" thing. We don't believe in luck, so there was no reason not to see each other. I told him we have to get a last picture of us unmarried :). (Rest assured, he won't see me in the dress until we walk down the aisle!)

  • On Wednesday, my sister and sister-in-law left NYC to come to Raleigh for the wedding. They were leaving at like 5:30 am, so when I woke up around 7:30, it hit me.... it is really wedding time because we have our first guest officially en route to the wedding! It felt more real in that moment than it had ever felt! 

  • Well ladies, in dramatic bride fashion, I am off to get married! I'll obviously be absent from quick takes next week, but will be back in full force the week after to share lots of wedding and honeymoon stories and pictures!!!! Can't wait to share it with everyone! Thank you for any prayers you can send our way tomorrow!


  1. Ahhh I'm so excited for you Stacy! I'll be praying for you and Steven and your special day! I hope you both have a wonderful, relaxing time in Curacao. I am really looking forward to seeing wedding and honeymoon pictures! :)

  2. I resembled that first point too. I was dreading planning, but when I got into it, I loved it. After I was done (once I finished grad school 6 months later) I didn't know what to do with myself.

  3. So happy for you lady!! Congrats! Can't wait for pictures and stories of how everything went when you get back!

  4. I'm so excited to hear about everything! Ever since I found your blog you had been talking about the wedding so I feel like I have been living your wedding through you. I also have a slight obsession to weddings enter my wedding pinterest board. Can't wait to see pictures!!

  5. Yay for the week of the wedding! I will be praying for you guys. My husband and I saw each other the morning of as well. It seriously took away the stress, helped us relax, and made for a great start to the day. Enjoy the day. One thing we did . . . On the plane on the way tour honeymoon, I pulled out my journal and we wrote down every memory from the day we could. Things we totally would have forgotten by now. Many happy wishes!

  6. So exciting! Good luck and early congratulations! I hope it's as joyful and stress-free and thrilling as you dreamed!!

  7. What a PERFECT day!!! Two PERFECT people...perfect for each other....thank you for letting me be apart of it all!! I love you twomom and hope you are having a FABULOUS honeymoon with your WONDERFUL husband!!!
