Monday, November 19, 2018

Trying Something New

I've been on a search the past few days of how to "thrive" instead of "survive". I feel like I have spent the majority of the past 2 years in survival mode. That doesn't mean there hasn't been joy; there has been a LOT of joy. But for me it means there hasn't been enough joy or gratitude, I've stressed to much, I've had too high of expectations of myself and others, and I haven't dealt well with circumstances outside of myself and/or my control. I've been thinking about how we are going into a season of actual survival after the baby is born, and how am I doing that when I still feel like I'm in survival mode right now??? So I've been hunting for books and podcasts to help. I haven't found a ton as far as practical help, but I did find this article that has quite a few things I want to implement (and also some fairly woo suggestions lol).

So one of the suggestion is to journal for 5 minutes a day. I think, ideally, that would be handwritten form. But this is so much easier. For now, I'm going to aim to do it here. If that doesn't work, or it begins to feel too personal to post to the general public, I'll switch to actual journal form. If I keep up with this for at least one day, I'll be back tomorrow to share which of the 31 I want to work on implementing :).

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