Monday, March 12, 2012

Crunchy Tips!

I've been saving up some crunchy tips, since I haven't posted much about it recently. Incidentally, most of these are also frugal tips. Frugal AND earth friendly? Win-win in my book!

1. Do you pack a lunch for work? We do every day because it's such a huge money savings. About once every other month we might buy lunch for work, but we much rather pack our lunch for work and save eating out for when we are together. If you are like us and pack lunch, there can be a LOT of waste from doing this. In the beginning, we were using ziploc bags and, between us, were going through about 4 a day. Not only is that wasteful, but it also gets expensive. When we moved, we found two sandwich sized containers in Steven's tupperware stash that he didn't know existed (men... <3). We now use those for our sandwiches, and wash them once a week (the only thing that goes in them is sandwiches). We also have other various sized containers for any side or snack items we might take. We still have a box of ziploc for 'just in case', but we rarely have to use them.

2. Until recently, we were very lazy with our dishwasher and used the tabs for washing. I started thinking about it and began feeling very silly. It has to take just as much time to get the bag, open it, get the tab out, and put it in the dishwasher as it does to get the bottle out and squirt it in the dishwasher. So I was being 'lazy', but not really even saving any time! Plus, the bottle of liquid is so much more cost efficient and you can buy better for the environment type detergents. In the tabs, you don't have that option (at least not where we live).

3. This seems like an obvious one but... recycling. Do you recycle everything that you can? The more I learned about recycling, the more I recycled. Now, we generally have more recycling in a week than we do trash (sometimes the same, depending on the week). We also have downsized to a small, under the sink trash can because we make less trash. When I lived alone, I had a full size one and now that we live together, we have a small one! The containers my cat's food comes in can be recycled infinitely. Before I learned that, I wasn't totally sure what they were made out of, so I just tossed them. You can imagine how silly I felt! We recycle paper towel tubes, toilet paper tubes. any recyclable plastic, magazines, newspaper, cardboard, glass, tin, and paperboard. Paper board used to make up a TON of our recycling, but not as much now that we eat less processed. Sometimes I look at how much recycling we have and get really sad about how many years I was throwing all that stuff into the landfill! It takes extra effort if your apartment or neighborhood doesn't have recycling right there, but it is do-able to take your recycling once a week or once every other week to your local recycling place, which is what I had to do when I first moved to Raleigh because my apartment at the time didn't offer it. Luckily, our current apartment has a recycling center in our parking lot.

4. Turn the 'heated dry' option off on your dishwasher. I resisted this one for a while, but my mom said something about it and I figured I needed to give it a try. Not only are you saving energy and water, but you are also saving money. Win-win. And let's be honest. Who really jumps up the second the dishwasher is done to empty it? Better yet... who even knows when the dishwasher is done? Turning the heated dry off means I have a legit excuse for waiting a while to empty it. You know, so it can air dry. The dishes on the bottom feel the exact same as when I use the heated dry option, and the top ones are still wet, but it hasn't been a big deal.

5. Want an easy way to know if something is generally healthy or not? And by healthy, I'm referring more to it being whole, not processed or processed very little, and having real ingredients. Turn said item over and look at the ingredients. If there are more than 5, and certainly more then 10, you should probably just set it down. The long version is to actually read the ingredients list and begin to get familiar with all the strange sounding things on there. But the easy version is to see if it's a short or long list. Keep the short and ditch the long. Tip: Triscuits have 5 or less ingredients. Win.

6. When you bake or cook something, make it in double or triple batches for the freezer. You use less energy because you are only pre-heating once and dirtying less cooking utensils. Plus, you are more likely to keep up that lifestyle of eating less processed foods when you only have to cook or bake one third of the time! Our freezer is embarrassingly low for the first time in months. We are out of muffins and biscuits, and really low on pizza pockets. That's what wedding planning will do to a girl, I guess, but of course now is when we need the quick yet healthy food the most!

7. Re-use your grocery bags in any way you can. I really don't like how many grocery bags are thrown away, and I'm glad to see stores implementing recycling programs right at the store. But that requires remembering to take them, which we never remember. We use re-usable grocery bags but do sometimes forget them, so we have a stash of plast grocery bags. We use ours sometimes for small trash bags and I also use them to scoop out the litter box. I've used them as lunchboxes before, too, when our lunch box collection was smaller.

8. Use natural light whenever you can. Our apartment gets really good sunlight in the living room in the afternoon, so often times the light will be off. The kitchen and dining room get really good light in the morning, so I can make breakfast without having to turn the light on. At work, I have two gigantic windows in my office, so I seriously have turned the lights on in there 5 times in 2 and a half years, and that was when the weather was so bad that it was basically dark in my office. Some of my coworkers tease me for not using the light- but why would I when the sunshine does the job for me?

9. Re-wear your clothes. Now I know this gives some people the skeevies. And some people really can't rewear their clothes (ie my fiance in the dead of summer). But most of the year, I can get away with wearing my clothes a few times- especially my work clothes because I'm not in them a really long time, nor am I sweating in them. I also wear my jeans quite a few times before washing them because jeans are so durable. And I don't stink. Honest. It saves quite a bit of water and electricity (and therefore $!), and your clothes last longer because they don't fade/pill/fall apart as quickly as they do when they are washed often.

10. While we are on the topic of reusing things, reuse your drinking glass. We only drink water when we are at home, so there is never a need to get a different glass because our beverage of choice doesn't change. We generally will use a glass (we each have our own, we aren't that crunchy!), for 2-3 days before we put it in the dishwasher. It's our own germs; they won't kill us.

I hope you enjoyed these tips. I'm going to try to post them more often, and post more creative ones. Have any crunchy tips to add to the list?


  1. This is really awesome Stacy! A lot of these I learned in college through trial and error (and a lot of the error), but it's always good to have reminders.

    Another I've learned is unplug stuff. Not saying go crazy and unplug -everything- but the stuff you can unplug, like chargers and fans, do so when you're not using them. It may not save a lot of electricity, but every little bit counts (and translates into less pennies on the bill!)


    1. Good advice! I have to admit, we are pretty bad about this. I think mostly because we have stuff all in random places (chargers for various things in various rooms, etc). We are definitely going to have to work on it! Thanks for the reminder :).

  2. i've done pretty much everything on this list.

    #6 is especially good because with two of us, it's hard to make stuff like lasagna because we get sick of leftovers after awhile. the other thing is that jon is vegetarian while I'm not. usually, i'll make something like a soup and freeze it in ziploc bags (not crunchy but oh well). i can get 12 portions out of a 9x13 pan of lasagna for example. those portions are either stuck in the fridge to defrost overnight for food the next day or microwaved on nights when things are more insane than usual. i can do this with casseroles/hotdishes that have meat in them and defrost them when i want something with meat in it.

  3. #4 - we prefer the liquid also but to be honest we buy whatever dishwashing soap is a better deal. Lately the Finish has been on sale more than cascade. Some of the geltabs don't have trash it all dissolves in the dishwasher (which is good for the environment). I always packed a lunch for work. It's especially easier to do during Lent because eating out during lent can be tricky (i've had my runins with non-catholics and you're crazy "how can you not eat meat?" drama)

    #7 - we have SOOO many nice reusable bags and like you we always forget them. We were keeping them in the trunk of the cars but then when we used them we never put them back into the car. Do you have Aldi's or Save A Lot? Those stores don't have bags you have to bring your own or pay 2-10 cents a bag.

    I do #9 all THE TIME! Esp b/c I almost always change out of work clothes as soon as I get home. Lots of times I'll wear the same dress pants all week (shh). I also do this with towels. I'll use the same towel all week or for at least 2-3 showers.

    These are great tips! I always love to see what other people do in the home to save money :)

  4. I've done 9 and 10 for years! It's like my dirty secret because I feel like it's something people can be very judgy about, but to me it's just logical. I can rewear things all winter long, but usually don't in the summer unless I only wore it for a few hours or just around the house etc. In the winter, I do a visual once-over for stains, and the armpit-sniff test. If the armpits smell, it gets tossed even if I only wore it once, because I'm terrified of being smelly without realizing it. That usually only happens in a situation such as being on an unusually warm subway with my coat zipped up. It saves us a ton on laundry. I also tend to wear one or two pairs of pajamas for the week--depending, of course, on if I wake up sweating, or if I wear them for the majority of a day on the weekend, etc. Same with towels.

    Nicole has been begging to use the dishwasher tablets, but I just could never justify the cost. And since I'm the one who does dishes, she didn't get much of a say! I finally let her get one box when she had a coupon, so it's next in the lineup, but I'm not happy about it, lol. I also want to switch to homemade dish and laundry detergent which will save a TON of money and packaging. But I need to get through our major backup supplies first, since we go a little nuts when there's a good sale AND a coupon.

  5. I've done 9 and 10 for years! It's like my dirty secret because I feel like it's something people can be very judgy about, but to me it's just logical. I can rewear things all winter long, but usually don't in the summer unless I only wore it for a few hours or just around the house etc. In the winter, I do a visual once-over for stains, and the armpit-sniff test. If the armpits smell, it gets tossed even if I only wore it once, because I'm terrified of being smelly without realizing it. That usually only happens in a situation such as being on an unusually warm subway with my coat zipped up. It saves us a ton on laundry. I also tend to wear one or two pairs of pajamas for the week--depending, of course, on if I wake up sweating, or if I wear them for the majority of a day on the weekend, etc. Same with towels.

    Nicole has been begging to use the dishwasher tablets, but I just could never justify the cost. And since I'm the one who does dishes, she didn't get much of a say! I finally let her get one box when she had a coupon, so it's next in the lineup, but I'm not happy about it, lol. I also want to switch to homemade dish and laundry detergent which will save a TON of money and packaging. But I need to get through our major backup supplies first, since we go a little nuts when there's a good sale AND a coupon.

  6. I love all your tips! I just joined Cathsorority and it's been wonderful to have a group of ladies on the net to bond with! We are super crunchy as well but I know I could even try harder! I ma attempting to write about real food, too!
